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Christmas Team Building Exercise


I am delivering a Development Day for approx. 80 colleagues during December. I am looking for teambuilding exercises and/or icebreakers with a festive theme. Any foolproof ideas?!

Many thanks
Zoe Young

22 Responses

  1. Christmas Panto!

    My aunt had the whole family around one Boxing Day and got us to run a panto – with a rather fun script (needless to say I didn’t actually attend when I realsied we were being asked to do this!)

    I’ve used these in a Project Management course (held just before Christmas) and it worked really well. I’ve still got the two scripts which I can send to you if you give me your email address.

    I’ve also used this theme for a company exercise a few years back when I gave each department an hour or so to put on a 10 minute panto explaining what the department does, to the rest of the company – with some props (wigs, face paint, fairy wings etc) and a few themes to choose from. It went down really well with most people and was an excellent team building exercise.

    Happy to send script to anyone – just let me have your email.


  2. Teambuilding Carol
    Along the lines of Anna’s suggestion. You could get smaller groups say 5-10 to write and perform a one verse carol suitable for their company!

  3. Seasonal activities!
    Here are two:
    1. In small groups to list all the songs they can think of that contain either the word snow or reindeer. Any song that is mentioned by two or more groups has to be sung (one verse will do).
    2. Tell the group that the Government is after a new seasonal celebration to bridge the gap from Xmas to new year so that we can have one long holiday. The group (or small groups) have to come up with an idea and an advert to promote it.
    These activities are suitable where you have individuals who do not celebrate Christmas, which may be a factor worth considering.

  4. Christmas tips
    Here are some tips I recently received on a newsletter from the training shop:

    Sound – Christmas Music
    Sight – Christmas Decorations
    Smell – Oil burners/ cinnamon pens/ oranges
    Touch – Bendy Santa Claus or Reindeers for your table toppers
    Taste – Oranges, Mince Pies, Nuts and Dates

    Plus use a great Christmas icebreaker:

    When people introduce themselves get them to also say the ‘worst’ and
    ‘best’ Christmas presents they have ever received.

    Get delegates to introduce themselves by designing a large Christmas
    card (on flipchart paper) incorporating something from each of their

    Get delegates to introduce themselves by answering the question: If
    you were a Christmas object what would you be? (e.g. turkey,
    Christmas tree,decoration)

    *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

    Into Groups:

    Select Christmas cards with different themes (Christmas trees, snow
    scenes, father Christmas, Christmas pudding) and get delegates to form
    syndicate groups according to the themes on their cards.

    *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


    Write the word CHRISTMAS on the flipchart and ask all the group to
    build a mnemonic based on the letters relating to the content of the
    workshop. For example a workshop on Supervisory Skills could be
    C – Communication
    H – Hourly
    R – Reassures
    I – Individuals –
    S – Satisfies
    T – The
    M – Manager
    A – and Assists
    S – Skills

    12 Days of Christmas – get your delegates to develop a rhyme based on
    the 12 Days of Christmas to remember the key learning points from your

    Word Association – throw a Koosh ball at random around the group
    getting each person in turn to quickly think of a Christmas word associated to
    the previous one – this can be used to encourage to creative thinking and
    speed of response.

    Creative Thinking – split delegates into 2 teams and get each team to
    think up 10 uses for a Koosh ball at Christmas. Award points based on
    number of ideas and innovation.

    Non-verbal Communication/ Presentation Skills – get your delegates to
    jot down one present they hope they’ll get on a piece of paper, fold it up
    and place it in a box. Get each member of the group to pick out a piece of
    paper in turn and act out the object (to demonstrate non-verbal skills). This
    energiser can be expanded to include verbal skills/ sales skills by then
    asking each delegate to sell the features and benefits of this particular
    present to the rest of the group.

  5. Christmas-themed Prject Management exercise
    Hi Zoe, recently I was sent an exercise by Liz Bourne which she had mentioned on the UKHRD network. Having seen the exercise, it looks like great fun for this time of year whilst still engaging the brains of delegates.

    The exercise involves planning the Christmas delivery schedule for Santa, and looks like it will involve a fair amount of teamwork, resource management and communication. I’d be happy to forward you a copy if you would like (I’m sure Liz wouldn’t mind – she has made it openly available).


    Richard Pate
    People Development Consultant
    RPG People Development

  6. Panto activity



    Thanks for your topic Zoe.

    Annah I would really appreciate the script you talk of. Would it be possible to get a copy? That sounds great!

    Many regards.


  7. Christmas Team Build

    Hi Annah,

    Saw this post and was wondering if you would mind sending the activity along to my e-mail. I am trying to generate some activities for an internal Christmas/holiday themed team building day.

    Many thanks,

    Cailin Collett

  8. Holiday Themed Team Building

    Hi Richard,

    Would really love if you sent me this Santa Delivery Project Management activity. I am planning a holiday themed team build day for December.

    Could you please send along to my email at

    Many thanks,


  9. christmas theme team building activity



    Could I also get a copy? I am also planning a christmas theme team building event in December, and sure could use some ideas.

    Thank you




  10. Christmas Team Activities


    It would be great if you could share the Liz Bourne "Santa" exercise with me – I have a Christmas event for a bunch of trainers to

    arrange.  Thanks




  11. Liz Bourne Santa Delivery exercise

    Does anyone have the details of this exercise?  It sounds great for a team building event I am organising next week.

  12. Santas delivery schedule


    Would you kindly be able to send me this script too please?

    Many thanks


  13. Christmas-themed project management exercise

    I work in a secondary school and would love to do this with my form class.  If anyone has the resources please get in touch.


    Many thanks


    James Cameron-Lyle

    Head of PE

    Llanfyllin High School

  14. RE Merry Christmas

    Christmas is just a few years away and you tenure a few more conclusion minute gifts. Unfortunately you already spend more than you had planned this year. You conclusion some inexpensive decision minute gifts. Here are a few being for you.
    Funny quotes about christmas

  15. christmas activities

    I'd also love to receive the christmas project management exercise!!