Hi All – festive greetings
I think this comes up every year, I am looking for a Festive/Santa ‘In tray’ or group exercise… I think this has come up before, organising Santa’s Christmas preparations etc
I’d love a copy if someone has one…
Failing that, if anyone has a sales/managment In Tray exercise that would be wonderful
Hi All - festive greetings
I think this comes up every year, I am looking for a Festive/Santa 'In tray' or group exercise... I think this has come up before, organising Santa's Christmas preparations etc
I'd love a copy if someone has one...
Failing that, if anyone has a sales/managment In Tray exercise that would be wonderful
2 Responses
Seasonal Exercise
Hi Rob
Your request got me thinking, so I "seasonalised" a team building exercise I had and have uploaded it to my website, help yourself if suitable. http://www.odinnovations.org.uk/Freeresourcedownloads.html
Hi Rob
Not got the seasonal slant, but I have two free exercises you might want to tweak
Drop me a line
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