A round-up of news and views from the CIPD Conference and Exhibition available on TrainingZONE. Just click on the link to go straight through to the article.
CIPD Keynote: Best Practice is ‘Not’ Good Enough: Gary Hamel explained how HR professionals must become innovators.
Managers Need Training to Stop Bullies: New CIPD report “Managing Conflict at Work” looks at how employers are failing to train line managers to combat bullying.
Coaches Should Consider Their Mistakes: David Clutterbuck explains some of the key questions to bear in mind when selecting a coach.
UK Managers “Most Stressed” : New research suggests that UK managers have some of the highest management stress levels in the world due to the changing nature of our workplaces.
Merseyside Force Scoops CIPD Award: How a management training scheme at a Liverpool Police Force won the CIPD’s People Management Award.
The Way I See It… Helping People Learn: Martyn Sloman, learning, training and development adviser at the CIPD defends the conclusions of “Helping People Learn: Strategies for Moving from Training to Learning” and explains why he believes trainers need to focus more on facilitating learning.
CIPD Keynote: Best Practice is 'Not' Good Enough: Gary Hamel explained how HR professionals must become innovators.
Managers Need Training to Stop Bullies: New CIPD report "Managing Conflict at Work" looks at how employers are failing to train line managers to combat bullying.
Coaches Should Consider Their Mistakes: David Clutterbuck explains some of the key questions to bear in mind when selecting a coach.
UK Managers "Most Stressed" : New research suggests that UK managers have some of the highest management stress levels in the world due to the changing nature of our workplaces.
Merseyside Force Scoops CIPD Award: How a management training scheme at a Liverpool Police Force won the CIPD's People Management Award.
The Way I See It... Helping People Learn: Martyn Sloman, learning, training and development adviser at the CIPD defends the conclusions of "Helping People Learn: Strategies for Moving from Training to Learning" and explains why he believes trainers need to focus more on facilitating learning.