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CIPD management report


Help needed!. I have to submit my CIPD managment report based on a subject of learning and development in an organisation but find myself really struggling to do this assignment.. Can anyone help with this?? I will appreciate any suggestions or comments or if anyone has a report based on learning and development they can email to help me to give me an idea how to go about it. Please email me at Thanks

2 Responses

  1. CIPD management report

    Hi career girl

    I was not entirely clear whether your problem was finding a research topic or doing the research & structuring the report.  L&D in organisations provides so many issues to look at; I based mine on Management Development (sometime ago!!).  Some of the issues highlighted as topics on Training Zone recently would be good to investigate within your own organisation, for example:
    •  E-learning package, which one to buy?
    • Leadership is more sexier than customer service training?
    • The value of positive feedback
    •    How to measure ‘Creativity’?
    There are many others on the site that may have particular relevance to your organisation.  My advice is to pick a topic that interests you, you will be working on it for a long time so it has to fascinate you or you will lose motivation, also pick a topic that has a benefit to your organisation (don’t try to find answers to the big questions, keep it simple and relevant) and you will find that they should support you with time and resources if they can use your findings.
    If your question is about the process of the inquiry and report, I would recommend as a really good guide:
    Doing your Research Project by Judith Bell ISBN 0-335-20388-4
    Good Luck



  2. Ask at work for ideas
    To add to the excellent suggestions already made you may want to speak to key people in the organisation about how learning and development is currently run as there may be areas which they feel are lacking or don’t work particularly effectively. If you ask them to pose suggestions based on a fictitious scenario where there are no barriers to budgets or resources, that might spark some really interesting ideas for you to research and propose for future implementation. A quick chat for only a couple of minutes would be all that’s needed. Good luck!

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