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CIPD Management Report – Help Needed!


I am starting to write my management report and am struggling on where to start.

I have (kind of) decided to write about employee engagement and if there is a link between reward and the appriasal system.

Does anyone have any suggestions they can share in terms of what research to use, how to structure the report and getting started?

Even the title, aim and objectives aren't flowing at the moment!
Amanda Brett

4 Responses

  1. Engagement and CIPD report
    I know that feeling! But there is not much specific advice I can offer until you decide definitely on your topic. If it is EE and reward then check out – it contains lots of references to other literature that you can follow up.
    As to structuring the report, make lots of notes first and see what themes emerge. You might find that a structure suggests itself. If in doubt start by defining terms and what you will and will not be exploring, briefly say something about the history (eg post-war motivational theories and how we arrived at today), explain the dominant arguments by key writers, challenge them if you can with some counter-argument, give a case example, consider challenging some assumptions (eg do appraisal systems cause more damage than good) but only do this if you can back it up with evidence, quotes or strong argument, summarise the key strands, set out your conclusions, finish with a nice quote or a statement about what future researchers need to explore further. Pour wine. Drink (in moderation). Put in post (report, not wine).
    Best of luck

  2. Management report
    Perhaps you should look on the CIPD website as employee engagement are buzz words. This may be useful to help your research.

    Sandra Beale FCIPD

  3. Management Report
    Your report must be in the format that the CIPD is used to. Try to look at past reports, that will give you a structure and something to work from. Regarding any link between employee engagement and appraisals. You will have to show both by methodology and research, how you arrived at your conclusions. For example, how will you gain the information you need…by interview, by questionaire, or some othe method. As the previous commenter suggested, look at historical trends, case studies etc. This will give you the backdrop to compare and indeed argue your findings. Remember to use and reference other authors etc.

    Good luck !

  4. Hi Fred

    I have just started my PMD course, i have decided to wite abour apprentichips as I work in  the industry, however i would like to read a past report on any subject to check out format ect-do you know where read one, thanks x

    – Joanne Lee Waylett