Can esoteric teachings help us run a more effective business asks coach Olivia Stefanino?
It’s always interesting to look at things from a fresh perspective – and those who have undertaken any esoteric studies or investigated eastern philosophies will already be very familiar with the concept of the ‘chakras’. But what, if anything, can the chakras teach us about running our own businesses? And can we apply what we learn to help us understand our clients’ issues better too?
The word ‘chakra’ comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel and describes the vortices of subtle energy within the human energy system. Although invisible to the naked eye, the chakras have a powerful effect on our physical, emotional and spiritual experiences.

The body has seven major chakras which run from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of the head and for perfect health, each chakra needs to be in balance. Emotional upset, stress and ‘blockages’ are the usual cause for disturbance of the chakras – and when they aren’t functioning harmoniously, we find that various aspects of our lives (physical, emotional and mental) start to give us cause for concern. So just what has all this got to do with our coaching businesses?
The chakras have a lot to teach us about running a healthy coaching business (or indeed, any business) too. If you’re thinking that this might be a step too far, consider for a moment that the word corporate comes from the Latin corpus – which means body. Let’s look at each chakra in turn…
The Muladhara or Root Chakra
This chakra is found at the base of the spine, is usually associated with the colour red and governs the skeletal and muscular system.
At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as survival and structure and from a business perspective, it’s all about having solid foundations and a proper structure. If your root chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with the three ‘biggies’: money, time and boundaries.
Strengthening the chakra: Write a business plan which will provide your coaching practice with a solid foundation and structure.
The Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra
This one is found in the genital area, is usually associated with the colour orange and governs creativity.
At an emotional level it encompasses such issues as expressing our creativity & connecting with others through relationships – from a business perspective, it’s about having effective marketing materials and promotional literature. If your sacral chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with attracting enough clients.
Strengthening the chakra: Create a Unique Selling Proposition and learn how to use the ‘power of emotion’ in your communications.
The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
This is found just under where the ribs meet, is usually associated with the colour yellow and governs confidence. At an emotional level it encompasses such issues as self-esteem and personal choice and from a business perspective, it’s about achieving expert status within your chosen niche. If your solar plexus chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with being seen as an authority figure.
Strengthening the chakra: Determine your target audience, deliver excellent products and services which will help define you as an expert – and then ask others (from happy clients to journalists) to help you on your journey.
The Anahata or Heart Chakra
This chakra is found in the centre of the ribcage at the level of the heart, is usually associated with the colour green (although sometimes pink) and governs love. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as anger, resentment and the need for forgiveness and from a business perspective, it’s about moving beyond ‘them and us’ and understanding that business is about service. If your heart chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with maintaining loyal clients.
Strengthening the chakra: Understand that the most successful businesses are those which – irrespective of the products and services they deliver – recognise that above all, they are in the ‘people’ business. Instead of focusing on what your competition is doing, build a powerful offer based on win:win.
The Visuddha or Throat Chakra
This one is found in the throat area and is usually associated with the colour turquoise. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as speaking our truth and walking our talk and from a business perspective, it’s about learning to communicate through both the written and spoken word. If your throat chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with making yourself heard above the general ‘noise’.
Strengthening the chakra: Learn how to communicate powerfully and passionately by developing your public speaking skills.
The Ajna or Third Eye
This is found between the eyebrows, is usually associated with the colour indigo and governs our psychic awareness, or our ability to see beyond the superficial. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as denial and making assumptions and from a business perspective, it’s about moving, having the entrepreneurial touch – recognising a problem and creating a solution. If your third eye chakra is weak, you’ll have little awareness of industry trends and you’re likely to get left behind.
Strengthening the chakra: With the third eye comes the gift of prophecy – and in business terms, the best way to predict the future is to create it! In order to maximise your success, consider developing a number of income streams.
The Sahasrara or Crown Chakra
This chakra is found at the crown of the head, is usually associated with the colour violet and governs our sense of purpose. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as materialism versus serving the ‘greater good’ and from a business perspective, it’s about moving onto the world stage. If your crown chakra is weak, you’ll have a tendency to ‘keep yourself small’, which is detrimental to both your sense of personal fulfilment and your business.
Strengthening the chakra: Dare to think big! Recognise that when the students are ready, the teacher will appear – and acknowledge yourself as a teacher and visionary!
Author of Be Your Own Guru, Olivia Stefanino helps companies achieve increased profits and reduce stress – even in a tough economic climate. Discover how to motivate your staff by visiting Olivia also offers Red Carpet Coaching for professionals who want to learn how to create a powerful brand and raise their profile. Email to find out more
Can esoteric teachings help us run a more effective business asks coach Olivia Stefanino?
It’s always interesting to look at things from a fresh perspective – and those who have undertaken any esoteric studies or investigated eastern philosophies will already be very familiar with the concept of the 'chakras'. But what, if anything, can the chakras teach us about running our own businesses? And can we apply what we learn to help us understand our clients’ issues better too?
The word 'chakra' comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel and describes the vortices of subtle energy within the human energy system. Although invisible to the naked eye, the chakras have a powerful effect on our physical, emotional and spiritual experiences.

The body has seven major chakras which run from the base of the spine all the way up to the crown of the head and for perfect health, each chakra needs to be in balance. Emotional upset, stress and 'blockages' are the usual cause for disturbance of the chakras – and when they aren’t functioning harmoniously, we find that various aspects of our lives (physical, emotional and mental) start to give us cause for concern. So just what has all this got to do with our coaching businesses?
The chakras have a lot to teach us about running a healthy coaching business (or indeed, any business) too. If you’re thinking that this might be a step too far, consider for a moment that the word corporate comes from the Latin corpus – which means body. Let’s look at each chakra in turn…
The Muladhara or Root Chakra
This chakra is found at the base of the spine, is usually associated with the colour red and governs the skeletal and muscular system.
At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as survival and structure and from a business perspective, it’s all about having solid foundations and a proper structure. If your root chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with the three 'biggies': money, time and boundaries.
Strengthening the chakra: Write a business plan which will provide your coaching practice with a solid foundation and structure.
The Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra
This one is found in the genital area, is usually associated with the colour orange and governs creativity.
At an emotional level it encompasses such issues as expressing our creativity & connecting with others through relationships - from a business perspective, it’s about having effective marketing materials and promotional literature. If your sacral chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with attracting enough clients.
Strengthening the chakra: Create a Unique Selling Proposition and learn how to use the 'power of emotion' in your communications.
The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
This is found just under where the ribs meet, is usually associated with the colour yellow and governs confidence. At an emotional level it encompasses such issues as self-esteem and personal choice and from a business perspective, it’s about achieving expert status within your chosen niche. If your solar plexus chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with being seen as an authority figure.
Strengthening the chakra: Determine your target audience, deliver excellent products and services which will help define you as an expert – and then ask others (from happy clients to journalists) to help you on your journey.
The Anahata or Heart Chakra
This chakra is found in the centre of the ribcage at the level of the heart, is usually associated with the colour green (although sometimes pink) and governs love. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as anger, resentment and the need for forgiveness and from a business perspective, it’s about moving beyond 'them and us' and understanding that business is about service. If your heart chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with maintaining loyal clients.
Strengthening the chakra: Understand that the most successful businesses are those which – irrespective of the products and services they deliver – recognise that above all, they are in the ‘people’ business. Instead of focusing on what your competition is doing, build a powerful offer based on win:win.
The Visuddha or Throat Chakra
This one is found in the throat area and is usually associated with the colour turquoise. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as speaking our truth and walking our talk and from a business perspective, it’s about learning to communicate through both the written and spoken word. If your throat chakra is weak, you’ll have problems with making yourself heard above the general 'noise'.
Strengthening the chakra: Learn how to communicate powerfully and passionately by developing your public speaking skills.
The Ajna or Third Eye
This is found between the eyebrows, is usually associated with the colour indigo and governs our psychic awareness, or our ability to see beyond the superficial. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as denial and making assumptions and from a business perspective, it’s about moving, having the entrepreneurial touch – recognising a problem and creating a solution. If your third eye chakra is weak, you’ll have little awareness of industry trends and you’re likely to get left behind.
Strengthening the chakra: With the third eye comes the gift of prophecy – and in business terms, the best way to predict the future is to create it! In order to maximise your success, consider developing a number of income streams.
The Sahasrara or Crown Chakra
This chakra is found at the crown of the head, is usually associated with the colour violet and governs our sense of purpose. At an emotional level, it encompasses such issues as materialism versus serving the 'greater good' and from a business perspective, it’s about moving onto the world stage. If your crown chakra is weak, you’ll have a tendency to 'keep yourself small', which is detrimental to both your sense of personal fulfilment and your business.
Strengthening the chakra: Dare to think big! Recognise that when the students are ready, the teacher will appear – and acknowledge yourself as a teacher and visionary!
Author of Be Your Own Guru, Olivia Stefanino helps companies achieve increased profits and reduce stress – even in a tough economic climate. Discover how to motivate your staff by visiting Olivia also offers Red Carpet Coaching for professionals who want to learn how to create a powerful brand and raise their profile. Email to find out more