I need to find a coach who can work with a senior manager on all aspects of delivering presentations, from advanced techniques to maintaining confidence and impact
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers
I need to find a coach who can work with a senior manager on all aspects of delivering presentations, from advanced techniques to maintaining confidence and impact
Richard Rogers
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage
6 Responses
Hi Richard
What part of the country is the manager based in?
try these people
Try Khalid Aziz at http://www.azizcorp.com
manager presentation skills
what type of presentations are you look at developing competence in? Bids, sales, management communications – peer or staff presentations?
I have worked with many people from the world of business and TV on presentations and will be better to advise if the focus is clearer.
Richard – that’s exactly what I do an I’d be delighted to help.
I coach managers to not only present well, conquering nerves and looking credible – but I also coach them to make a dramatic impact on their audience, motivating them to action – the process is painless and benefits the coachee in other ways too.
try andy bounds
take a look at http://www.andybounds.com