I am wanting to run a course with effective communcation in, i know there is a number of stories to demostrate communication ( i have heard of but dont know the full story of a horse and a lighthouse). Perhaps you know of some train the trainer course information. Coudl someone pleas help me
stephen laverick
stephen laverick
2 Responses
Hi Stephen
I have the communication pyramid that I developed that could prove a good starting point plus some other stuff. Email me at Rich.Lucas@blueyonder.co.uk if you’d like the material
train ther trainer communications
you ask about communication exercises – it would help to know what type of communications you are looking for? What is the underlying message. For example the ability to communicate technical information is diff from influencing skills – but both would use communications.
I have a large selection of exercises from the residentail Train the trainer programmes I run – As soon as I am clearer as to the outcome required I can send you something.
In addition you could have a look at http://www.UKHRD.com or http://www.trainerbase.co.uk as there is useful resources on both (but you must register first) – Trainerbase has a free trial.