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Communication exercises


Has anyone got any useful exercises/videos etc on communication to draw out that each one of us hears and sees the world differently to each other.

I want to use this as part of training managers on giving effective feedback to their teams and how important it is.
Jackie Laban

5 Responses

  1. Hi Jackie – we can send you some “freebies” if that helps?
    Can also have a chat on 01746 783235 once you have sight of the freebies – regards – Ed (McKnight)

  2. Simple exercise
    Hi Jackie
    There is a very simple exercise based on a phrase and the different interpretations of what is being said.
    You write the phrase ‘I never said you stole the money’ on a flip chart and ask everyone to read it out, giving it a different meaning each time. This shows how easy it is to read a different meaning into even a simple phrase. You can then tie this into an understanding of how what is said during a feedback session will colour the person’s reaction.
    I use quite a few other exercises in my own feedback and communication sessions and if you are interested please contact me on

  3. Demonstrating different perceptions
    Don’t know of anything on the market but you could create an activity. How about asking the team to look at how people with different values, background, expectations, interests etc might react to the same situation?

    Or you can show how people perceive the same situation in completely different ways by comparing your perceptions of events with others who experienced or saw them at the same time as you. People have different reactions to films or tv programmes for example.

    Just a few thoughts off the top of my head. Get in touch if you would like to discuss further.
    Jane Smith

  4. NLP
    Have you thought of doing anything around the different Representation Systems in NLP? VAKog – Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic Olfactory, Gustatory. There is a lot of information around the different signs, words and metaphors that different people use. You could combine this with an exercise to get them to review a (taped if possible) discussion they had, written material of their own and that of a supplier, customer etc.

    You might want to consider combining this with information on filters – e.g. ‘big chunk/small chunk’ or towards/away.

    There is a lot of information available on NLP – email me if you want any suggestions on books etc.


  5. The Chocolate Spider
    Here’s one that consistently demonstrates just how we use the same word to have different meanings…

    Have everyone draw a big oval in the middle of a piece of A4 paper (held landscape), then draw 6 ‘legs’ – you might then have a 6 legged ‘spider’.

    Then say you are going to ask them all to write down the first 6 words that come to mind when they think of a common word that you are about to give them (we often use “chocolate” and I have also used words relevant to the training – “appraisal”, “Project” etc). These need to be the FIRST 6 words – no evalulation, just like word association.

    You demonstrate the variety of meaning by asking the first person to read out their words and see if anyone else has all 6 words (I’ve never known it happen), Flip them and count how many people have each word, then get anothe word form someone else and do the sema – you can figure out how to work it and if not give me a ring on 01274 667130,

    This really does make the point that the same words mean different things to different people – and hence the need for feedback, clarification etc….

    We use this as a part of our more comprehensive stuff on the NLP Communications Model although I have also used it extensively as partof standalone sessions where communications are an issue.

    Have fun and if you need to chat the exercise through give me a ring.