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Competencies against appraisal


Does anyone have a basic competence/appraisal system in place that they would be willing to let me plagurise?
I realise that most systems in p,ace a re fitted to the organisation but I would be able to tweak it.
I am looking for something that is general - management, communication etc that staff can be measured against annually but in the simplest of terms.
Any assistance would be appreciated - sounds cheaky to ask but if you don't.......!!!
Pleas e-mail me -
[email protected]
keith bell

2 Responses

  1. Also looking
    Alas I cant help. I am looking for the same thing myself. I would be grateful to receive any resources and advice on this myself. Please forward any responses to me as well. Thank you

  2. Books & Research might help…?
    Blackwells bookshop has a good stock of books and research, some of it very recent work, on competencies. Try entering ‘competence’ or ‘competencies’ in the search engine at Prices and good and free P&P I think – could get you off to a good start.


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