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Competency Mapping


My company are keen to design a competency framework but have it done in house rather than use an external supplier. Whilst I roughly know what I want to achieve, I don't know how to get started or facilitate the process. Does anyone know of companies that provide this service?

Ruth Liebeskind

5 Responses

  1. reference books and courses
    Hi Ruth,
    I can point you in the direction of some good reference books and courses if you’d like to drop me a line. We also provide the competency mapping service if you’d like to discuss this too.
    Sarah (

  2. Competency frameworks
    Hi Ruth,

    I work for a company that has helped a number of organisations to map competency frameworks to organisational vision and department goals.

    I would be more than happy to offer any help, or connect you to one of my colleagues who is an HR strategy specialist. Feel free to call or email me.

    Good luck in the meantime.


  3. Competency workshop
    Cranfield run quite a good workshop on how to introduce competencies into your organisation – it may be worth your while giving them a call.

  4. Perhaps I could help
    Hi Ruth

    I posted a reply a week or so ago, but it seems to have disappeared. I have some experience of helping a large computer supplier with a competency framework. Do give me a call to see if I can help.

    Jenny James