A report examining the growing power of Chinese management techniques has highlighted the need for UK managers to be better trained if they are to maintain a competitive advantage over other countries.
The Global Management Challenge, published by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), surveyed the opinions of more than 325 managers in the UK, US, France and China. The survey found that Chinese managers make more use of in-house training and development schemes to ensure they are managing to the best of their ability.
According to the report, 70% of Chinese managers participate in in-house training programmes, compared to 53.3% in the US, 45% in the UK and just 21% in France.
“Success breeds complacency and there are signs from the research that decades of economic success and prosperity have made managers in the West complacent,” said Penny de Valk, chief executive of ILM.
“Chinese managers are setting the global management agenda and those businesses and managers that are unable or unwilling to accept this change and evolve accordingly will fall by the wayside,” she said.
The Global Management Challenge, published by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), surveyed the opinions of more than 325 managers in the UK, US, France and China. The survey found that Chinese managers make more use of in-house training and development schemes to ensure they are managing to the best of their ability.
According to the report, 70% of Chinese managers participate in in-house training programmes, compared to 53.3% in the US, 45% in the UK and just 21% in France.
"Success breeds complacency and there are signs from the research that decades of economic success and prosperity have made managers in the West complacent," said Penny de Valk, chief executive of ILM.
"Chinese managers are setting the global management agenda and those businesses and managers that are unable or unwilling to accept this change and evolve accordingly will fall by the wayside," she said.