I am setting up a 1 day workshop for facilitators dealing with conflict handling. It would be useful to have some book recommendations and/or some exercises. Any other pointers very welcome.
steve thomas
steve thomas
I am setting up a 1 day workshop for facilitators dealing with conflict handling. It would be useful to have some book recommendations and/or some exercises. Any other pointers very welcome.
steve thomas
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3 Responses
Conflict Resources
Hi Steve,
I would recommend reseraching, looking at and facilitating an exercise on D.E.S.C Scripting- four step approach used to effect a change in behavior.
1. Describe the actions or behavior that you see as taking place;
2. Express why that behavior is an issue?
3. Specify the resulting actions or change of behavior you would like to effect;
4. Clarify the consequences for failing to change behavior or meet demands.
I have some material on this so please email me to get a copy.
Also, Fogging is another technique to use when being more assertive or dealing with conflict, here’s a link to the BBC website which is useful
Steve I’d also look at Manuel J Smith’s Bill of Assertive Rights, I’ve incorporated it into Conflict Mgt workshops previously
Good Luck
Buffy Sparks
Thanks Buffy
Some really useful guides. I was thinking about the TA route, but had not come across the BBC page. Thanks for your help. Steve
Fierce Conversations
Hi Steve
A book I have found very helpful when looking at facilitating situations of conflict is by Susan Scott and is called Fierce Conversations. The book deals with conversations to address difficult situations in groups and with individuals and I have found it a useful addition to the tool kit.
Thanks to Buffy for the suggestion of the BBC site – it has so many gems on there, I often use it in my work