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Conflict Mediation


I know quite a lot about managing conflict but I have heard that there are models that are used. I can handle situations at the interpersonal level but I would like to be able to facilitate more consciously and productively.
I assume that somewhere there must be training as well. I would like to investigate this further and attend some kind of training.
lesley rooney

2 Responses

  1. conflict management
    Lesley -My colleague Iain Bourne has been running courses on conflict management entitled “dealing with difficult disturbing and dangerous behaviour” for many years and I’m sure he could help. His website is He trades as Impact Consultancy yours Derek Adams

  2. conflict model
    The best conflict model I have come across is ‘When Push Comes to Shove’ by Karl Slaikeu :Jossey Bass 1996.
    Karl also runs a consultancy organisation in Austin USA approach.