I would like to hear of any Conflict Resolution courses that are available for trainers including recommended books etc. I would also like to make contact with CR trainers for help and advice in becoming an associate trainer in CR.
All your thoughts on this subject are appreciated either by these means or direct email below.
Thank you.
Damian Rawcliffe
All your thoughts on this subject are appreciated either by these means or direct email below.
Thank you.
Damian Rawcliffe
2 Responses
Conflict Resolution
You might wish to contact Conflict Management Plus Ltd
Low Farm, Brook Road, Bassingbourn, Royston, Herts SG8 5NT
Tel: 01763 852225
Fax: 01763 853313
EWeb site: http://www.conflictmanagementplus.com
They specialise in conflict resolution training, etc. and may be able to help you.
Alternatively, take a look at TrainerBase (www.trainerbase.co.uk) where you will find a wide range of training and guidance available.
Two suggestions
The NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service (CFSMS) delivers CR train-the-trainer courses for NHS delivery. See http://www.cfsms.nhs.uk/pub/index.html.
For occupational areas other than health care try http://www.violenceatwork.co.uk/