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Constantly ensuring training jobs


Guys, I am great at what I do as a Trainer / Facilitator! I have done everything right! I.e. calling companies, meeting with them, compiling proposals and then nothing comes of it! I am in Swaziland, have my own training company and work from home and feel like I have SO much to offer companies! I just wish they would use me MORE! Any ideas????? As I am REALLY frustrated!!!!!

Rgds, Glenda

2 Responses

  1. Generating activity

    Hi Glenda, as a freelance trainer when times were quiet I used to generate all sorts of activity to keep myself active, challenged and developing. This included charity work, work in schools, attending professional groups, CPD type meetings and networking with fellow trainers via various discussion groups .

    Much of this activity lead to work direclty, for example I landed a six week contract to provide leadership training in a secondary school via a talk i did to my sons class in 6th form.  I also got a days training following volunteering to help judge a schools speaking competition. these activities also generated new work indrectly with existing clients when I sent out a monthly update of the things I had been doing. This is where some of teh voluntary or no pay work paid off a some of my clients were very interested in this work.    



  2. what do you do?

    Hi Glenda

    You haven’t completed a profile on the site so I don’t know what you do (other than being a freelance trainer, obviously; but in what?)

    Nick’s comment is full of useful suggestions but if you give a bit more info you might get a bit more back


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