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Consultany network seeks ‘post-modern’ designer for contract


We're a group of six consultants based in England and Scotland. We were established in 1985 with a value base of social equality, empowerment and ethical practice. We work exclusively in the public sector, charitable and community based organisations - to enhance the effectiveness and impact of their work. We deliver high quality consultancy, training and publications and take great care to take an ethical, consistent and can-do type approach in everything we do from contracting to delivery. There are three tasks to complete and we'd like to consider contracting with you to do the first one, then to go to the second and then on to the third. We will need to know:

a) your fee rate
b) how you would work with us
c) what the timescales might be
d) whether you have your own recommended printing contacts
e) some examples of your work or some initial ideas on ours

Please get back to me by Oct 25th with these brief bits of information. Contact me on and I'll fax you a copy of our current leaflet and logo.

Task 1: the Logo
We had a great design in the 1980s and don't really want to lose it completely. However its now looking dated. So the brief is: To come up with something that is related to our original (it demonstrates structure, clarity, flexibility and action - all still true of us!) but that might say in addition that we are - modern yet honouring our history, comfortable with complexity yet able to sense-make, and dependable yet risk takers! Incidentally we are very keen on the Internet as a way of doing some of our work, we pay close attention to process and content and we're interested in some of the less obvious aspects of organisations.

You can see the logo at

We are happy to see the logo quite changed including the colours/font but it must be remain suitable for use on business cards, headed notepaper and in a new leaflet; and of course via IT.

Task 2: The headed notepaper and cards
This is easy. If we can agree the new logo then we'd like you to devise a suitable setting for the logo on notepaper and business cards. The original paper was quite exciting in that the addresses (different for each person) appeared at the bottom of the paper in a sort of skewed yellow box. Not now suitable but something else that's eye-catching is clearly needed. Business cards are making a comeback (I hear) so ditto those. We don't need the words at the top of our leaflet anymore.

Task 3: New leaflet
Once the design for the logo and paper / cards is agreed we'd then like you to devise a new leaflet. We've retained the current style since about 1994. We think:

- It still gives a fair description of who we are and what we do.
- Its too wordy. Doesn't say anything very succinct about who we really are and what value we bring to our clients
- Its old fashioned - the colours, the font (see above), even the shape is very standard these days.
- The addresses on the back and our own interests keep changing so we'd like to get away from a leaflet that has to have this info fixed, but must have some way of indicating all or just one of us.
- It is cheap to reproduce and we don't want to lose too much accessibility.

Once we have decided who to work with, I will provide more information and a summary of our thinking so far about it (compiled at a recent retreat) and we will devise more words etc once we have some idea about the shape of it and your advice.

Please reply to before 25th October to register your
interest by way of the five categories stated above.