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Context Sensitive SAP learning


I've been asked to investigate methods for adding context sensitive help to SAP (i.e. you press HELP & instead of the SAP info you get a specified piece of info which is tailored to your organisation).
I know the software's out there because I've seen it but I can't find it again now!
Does anyone know of any sites for this / these products?
Really appreciate your help in advance.

Scott Edwards
IT Training Manager
Sussex Police

5 Responses

  1. Back to SAP
    Hello, I have just asked one of the consultants who rolled SAP out business wide last year. She confirms you are not going mad and have seen that product in existence, she recommends going back to SAP and purchasing it from them.

    Hope this helps.


  2. Something similar …

    We have just carried out something similar for a corporate client but we did it quite simply by adding an html contents page to the F1 button and then linking individual task-based pdfs to the contents page so that they can be updated quickly.

    We also added a desktop shortcut to the contents page so that it could be accessed outside of the application – this was helpful for tasks such as ‘How to log on to …’ etc.

    As the application was not SAP, the technicalities are not relevant to you, I know, but thought you might be interested in our cheap and cheerful, flexible approach if the other software becomes too onerous.

    Good luck with it.

    Jooli Atkins
    Matrix FortyTwo

  3. Kaplan’s STT trainer has a competing product to SAP
    Hello Scott

    I hope it’s not too late but the company I work for has just such a tool.

    Please let me know if you would like to investigate further.

    Regards, David 0118 921 2070

  4. Try this one
    You should take a look at RWD’s uPerform and SAP Info Pak. We are currently rolling out this solution for 25k users and the results so far have been pretty good.

    I would also like to support Paul Lyndon’s suggestion of taking a look at CSL from Trainer1.