This is an on-going question: I am looking for humorous examples of corporate/management crazies: motivators that didn't, retention plans that had people leaving in droves, in your place of work do the managers of workers need the brains? One-liners, stories, paragraphs, all names and identities will be changed to protect the innocent bystander! If you have stories or know others who have tales to tell - do please post them to:
or fax on 01844 238814
The crazier the better and they don't have to be just English - the more global the better
Many thanks for your help
Maria Bennett
3 Responses
Try looking at
For some humorous anecdotes and managment blunders have a look under ‘list of the day’ it may prove a good source for the sort of info you’re looking for.
That was supposed to read at
Indian VRS Experience
Here in India the VRS (Voluntary Retirement Scheme) or the “Golden Handshake” as it is called has been a peculiar experience. It has been seen that most often than not it is the better staff that avails this option. And the organisation is left with the dead wood which they wanted to get rid of in the first place.