My company has approximately 550 employees and each department organises the training for individuals after each appraisal period.
I would like to do an analysis of the development/training needs across the business and put together a training plan which will take look at the skills needed as a whole and provide a link into the goals of the business.
I would be grateful for any advice on how to go about doing this?
Janine Lupton
I would like to do an analysis of the development/training needs across the business and put together a training plan which will take look at the skills needed as a whole and provide a link into the goals of the business.
I would be grateful for any advice on how to go about doing this?
Janine Lupton
6 Responses
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training plan
Talk to Peter Butler 01492 660000
Tell him Douglas King told you to call.
He’s an expert in Training (Barclays, Cigna, CitiBank, Disney etc etc)
Corporate Training
I assume you have a Corporate Plan and/or an Investor in People framework. I used to interview dept and unit heads against the backcloth of the Corporate PLan, working out the skills necessary to deliver each part of it. This created overall THEMES such as communication, management/supervision specialist, information technology,teambuilding, legal
etc,etc. There was usually a catch all theme for new employees at the induction or basic level.Prior to these interviews, unit heads had secured similar themed feedback from their reporting colleagues. Everyone sang from the songsheet using a questionnaire prepared by Corporate TRaining
Good luck
Training Plans
William Chadwick is correct when he says link to the Corporate Plan. Some plans include information which directly addresses training, others don’t. There are other plans which may also be relevant ie, IT Plan, Risk Management Plan, Client Service Charters etc. Have a good look at these.
If you can get the CEO to establish a small, senior level HRD Advisory committee to determine what your key corporate objectives are for the next year and then focus on them it will help. You can’t do everything and need to have some guidance on what the people who run the show want. If you do it that way then it is not your responsibility if they have chosen the wrong topics. Also, it provides focus.
If that doesn’t work, get your department managers to tell you what their priorities are and work from that. Sell the idea of economy of scale to them so they will be happier to collaborate.
Good luck
There is a great deal of HR-speak around Corporate Training Plans and it depends upon whether you are speaking about a Strategic type plan, or merely an administrative one.
In terms of Strategic Plans, Eutopia is that the Board has its business strategy and then they set some clear objectives for the company over say 12 months. The Directors/Senior Managers work out their department’s objectives to link into those and then every individual is reviewed on the basis of how they can contribute to achieveing those objectives. From these objectives flows the training needs which, together with any other tactical type training (for instance a decision by the CEO/MD to have everyone undergo Customer Care training or running a Development Programme for Board Members)forms the Corporate Training Plan. Also from this can flow the budget for the traning activities.
It is eutopia, as normally it means that the appraisals have to be done on a cascade basis – but breaks down when the CEO/MD doesn’t find the time to do the Directors first! This then leaves departments to get on with their own reviews and so the Corporate needs are sometimes subordinated to the departmentals ones – if only because the departmental heads are not clear as to what is expected of them.
If you are speaking of a more administrative plan, ie to ensure that you don’t have 10 people around the place being sent on outside courses for, say, communication, when you could organise an in-company one then you ned some comlicated software costing around £6,000 plus an annual fee – or you use a company that does the wholke of the admin and co-ordination for you – freeing up your time to do more important things – like selling the concept of Corporate Training Plans to the CEO/MD!
Having had years of doing it myself, in one way or another, I formed a company that offers a Training Management service at very reasonable cost. Call me if you wish to find out more.
Tony Willson
Partners for Training Ltd
01206 366100
Coprorate Training Plan
I am responsible for composing my organisation’s plan each year – it is has 1700 staff – one of the largest educational organisations in the UK. My experience, rather than what theoretical templates say, has taught me that the corporate training plan must be centred initially around the organisation’s development categories – these are established from business targets. Training needs analysis can only be successful when set in such a context. Identified needs are set within the organisation’s development categories – employees/teams/functions then know the framework within which their training and development needs can be collated and formalised into a corporate training plan.
I’d be willing to send you some of my material and results if you like.