I am looking for a very special type of person who wants to get involved in growing, developing or running what must be the most advanced concept in training.
I am Paul Hobbs and the developer of Quantum Reading. (Now being promoted as The Mind Management System) I have been running the course for nearly five years and have a select few people running the programme on a semi-franchise basis.
The product is excellent and regularly gets rave reviews. However, if I can be modest, I am an excellent trainer but Marketing, Selling and Administration are not my strong points. I therefore want someone to come in and run the Company, get bums on seats and leave me to do what I am good at.
The type of person I want?
Ideally a Marketing/Sales Director/Manager who has taken early retirement but does not want to switch off and would like to invest in and run their own business. This person would have the where-with-all to sell the products of the business and some capital to invest in an equity holding. Someone recently made redundant could be equally ‘ideal’
I live in Egham and they should be in this vicinity +/- 20 miles. They should also have some knowledge of NLP.
But that is the ideal.
If the ideal is not available – then I would welcome someone who is excited by the idea of Mind Management/Quantum Reading. Someone who would like to work with me, on a commission only basis, for an agreed period and then take up an equity option.
Being excited by the thought of running this Company and of Mind Management/Quantum Reading as a training product are the most important requirements of anyone who is interested in this very rare opportunity.
To find out more visit my website http://www.quantum-reading.com and then, without any commitment and in complete confidence, call me on 01784 44 04 04—–
I am Paul Hobbs and the developer of Quantum Reading. (Now being promoted as The Mind Management System) I have been running the course for nearly five years and have a select few people running the programme on a semi-franchise basis.
The product is excellent and regularly gets rave reviews. However, if I can be modest, I am an excellent trainer but Marketing, Selling and Administration are not my strong points. I therefore want someone to come in and run the Company, get bums on seats and leave me to do what I am good at.
The type of person I want?
Ideally a Marketing/Sales Director/Manager who has taken early retirement but does not want to switch off and would like to invest in and run their own business. This person would have the where-with-all to sell the products of the business and some capital to invest in an equity holding. Someone recently made redundant could be equally ‘ideal’
I live in Egham and they should be in this vicinity +/- 20 miles. They should also have some knowledge of NLP.
But that is the ideal.
If the ideal is not available - then I would welcome someone who is excited by the idea of Mind Management/Quantum Reading. Someone who would like to work with me, on a commission only basis, for an agreed period and then take up an equity option.
Being excited by the thought of running this Company and of Mind Management/Quantum Reading as a training product are the most important requirements of anyone who is interested in this very rare opportunity.
To find out more visit my website http://www.quantum-reading.com and then, without any commitment and in complete confidence, call me on 01784 44 04 04-----