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Course attendance rates


We run a programme of training courses open to all employees each year. I have been reviewing our attendance statistics for the previous year and whilst it looks fairly good to me I would like to be able to benchmark against other organisations. I was wondering if anyone runs similar programmes and would be willing to act as a benchmark? If not I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
Allison Preece

3 Responses

  1. Attendance Stats
    Can I just clarify what stats you have so we can offer comparable data. Is it % of employees receiving training, % of those booked attending (as opposed to % of ‘no shows’), or something else?
    Also, what types of programmes are these so we know what might or might not be similar?

  2. Response to Graham
    Thanks for offering to help Graham. Basically we run a catalogue of courses such as Presentation Skills, Intro to Management the ususal soft-skill stuff. The stats I was looking for are relate to the number of people trained vs the number that could have been trained i.e. the take up of the courses offered.
    If you also have stats about the average cost per head that would help.


  3. Attendance Stats
    Thanks for the clarification. I think you will find it hard to get any meaningful comparative data on this. Most organisations work on the basis of needs – so, for example, non-attendance might mean that those people do not have a priority learning need for that topic. Consequently, non-attendance would be a good thing and high attendance might suggest poor targetting and wasted effort.
    Perhaps a better stat would be to track the number of people who have identified a priority need but have not subsequently attended the training in, say, the last 12 months.
    As to costs, this is also tricky (see as different organisations cost things differently. I’d suggest tapping into your network and finding one or two people you trust to swap and share data on this.
    Sorry I cannot be more helpful.