Hi All
In my company we have several functional specialists that carry out training. Although I manage the overall T&D function I often find myself in the position wherby they are training individuals without my knowledge and this causes many issues as you may imagine!
I want to introduce a course booking system that would have a first line link to me as well as the functional specialists.
I am really looking for feedback from you guys if you have introduced something similar or have any advise or template documents.
Hopefully you will have something to offer!
Many thanks
Hi All In my company we have several functional specialists that carry out training. Although I manage the overall T&D function I often find myself in the position wherby they are training individuals without my knowledge and this causes many issues as you may imagine! I want to introduce a course booking system that would have a first line link to me as well as the functional specialists. I am really looking for feedback from you guys if you have introduced something similar or have any advise or template documents. Hopefully you will have something to offer! Many thanks Sinead
5 Responses
Course booking system…
I have used http://www.eventbrite.com for a while now and find their system works well!
Course Booking System
Hi Sinead,
You might want to take a look at Course Manager, a web based course booking and administration system.
If you would like any further info please dont hesitate to contact me at dave@accessplanit.com.
Course Booking Systems
Hi Seanade
For a range of different potential solutions you might want to visit the E-learning List – http://www.e-learninglist.co.uk
You can post up your requirements on the site – and get responses from a number of different suppliers to follow up with. It won’t cost you anything either.
Best regards
Course Booking System
Hello Again
We have recently, introduced just such a system, for many of the same reason’s.
Drop me an email (dave.bean@rswww.com) and i’ll gladly take you through our learnings good and bad…
Course Bookings
Hi Sinead,
Every empathy, we used to have hard copy Training Request Forms generally getting lost on desks left right and centre!
I don’t know if this will be of any help, but we have a company intranet – I asked our IT Department to create a Learning & Development webpage which includes a link to a new Training Request Form, among other things.
This allows employees to complete the request form online. On submission, an e-mail notification is sent to the Line Manager for them to approve the request via a link online. I also receive an e-mail to let me know what’s happening and can access a list of requests online to view or action as appropriate. Notifications can be sent to as many individuals as required.
This is pretty simple, but effective – and was set up by our current IT placement student.
Hope this helps, if you need any other info I would be happy to provide!