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Course/events online listings directory supplier for Sift


After a period of discussion and the receipt of ideas from a number of potential partners, Sift has defined its plan for the addition of course, conference and event directory listings [Events] across several current Sift online communities.

This paper sets out Sift's objectives for an Events facility and its method of achieving them.

Proposals are welcome from potential Events Partners for the delivery of the Partner element of this facility. We have specified our goals but are willing to explore with potential partners changes and improvements of mutual benefit.

1. To provide community members and users with a targeted range of specialist training courses, workshops, conferences and events listings and information pertaining to the professional qualifications, standards, accreditation, and CPD requirements of each community sector, particularly accounting, law, and HR.
2. To provide each community with an extensive database of training courses, workshops, conferences and events of broader interest to owners/managers and employees in user's companies and organisations. Typically, the subject matter may cover e.g. management development, IT skills, teamwork, health and safety, team leadership, sales, customer service, communications, etc.
3. To enable community partners, members and users to list and promote their own events to other community members.
4. To offer Find a Trainer/Consultant brokerage service across all relevant communities.
5. To provide TrainingZONE members with a listing and external marketplace for their events.
6. To extend the marketing reach of TrainingZONE.

Sift internal development plan
 Revise the existing course/events directory module.
 Work with limited number of existing Sift strategic partners at Institute and key Supplier level to enter their specialist event information into each community's specialist event directory.
 Enable registered members to self-enter their Event information into the Sift Event Directory. Make this information available across the communities, and make is available to Event Partners as well.
 Charging structure for Sift Event Directory listings in place.
 This development area to be co-ordinated on behalf of all communities by TrainingZONE.
 Publicise the whole Events area to all community members; locate the Events information in each communities' LearningZone/Campus area.
Event partner development plan
 Discuss with a range of companies offering online course/event information opportunities for them to work with Sift as Event Partner(s).
 Event Partner(s) to be branded across key Sift community sites with appropriate text, logos, hyperlink and search box. Directory content to be hosted on Partner's servers. All branding and display to reflect respective community branding.
 Commercial cost charge to Event Partner for the display of this facility to each Event Partner on the following basis:

To display Event Partner on each/all of:
proposals are required for a monthly fee on either an exclusive display basis or a shared display basis.

 Sites generate 1.5 million page impressions per month.
 Event Partners to share commission with Sift for all sales achieved through Sift community sites; proposals required.
 An extension to the agreement to be negotiated separately for other/new communities being created by Sift.
 This agreement to run for 9 months in the first instance, renegotiable by consent at the end of that period; both parties to be subject to a three-month notice to terminate the agreement at the end of the initial agreement period.

Options for marketing deals
The above proposals are regarded as a straight-forward commercial arrangement. We are open to suggestions for possible co-marketing initiatives to the benefit of the Event Partner and TrainingZONE.

Proposals should be send to Tim Pickles and Jon Miles from whom further information may be sought from 26 April 2000.