There is an excellent opportunity to test your skills in online training absolutely free with Create a free course web site to bring your learning materials, class discussions, and even tests online. Supplement an existing class or teach a course entirely on the web at:
Blackboard powers e-Learning and related commerce in the academic marketplace of schools, colleges, universities, and many of the top commercial e-Learning providers on the Internet today.
To date Blackboard are probably more familiar to online trainers and teachers in the USA and Canada; however, on 24 April they and Microsoft Corps announced their partnership to go global. Blackboard has several UK based offices. They have two UK events scheduled for May details at: UK Events
Blackboard powers e-Learning and related commerce in the academic marketplace of schools, colleges, universities, and many of the top commercial e-Learning providers on the Internet today.
To date Blackboard are probably more familiar to online trainers and teachers in the USA and Canada; however, on 24 April they and Microsoft Corps announced their partnership to go global. Blackboard has several UK based offices. They have two UK events scheduled for May details at: UK Events