Has anybody had any experience/information relating to team building with multi agency/culture teams ?
tony osborne
tony osborne
Has anybody had any experience/information relating to team building with multi agency/culture teams ?
tony osborne
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One Response
Teaqm building with multi-cultural -agency teams
Tony I recently did a series of Team Building exercises with health service and social services teams who were going through a process of integration. I found the thing they most wanted to do was to talk about how it was now , how it was then and how it might be, so exercises that provide enough structure to enable them to get started were best. Some of the things that worked well were geting groups to produce a collage depicting how they saw the past, how they saw the future and what was the creative tension in the middle- the important part of this exercise is getting them to feedback on the meaning of their picture. Also group sculpts worked well -this is an approach borrowed from Family Therapy, and you need to feel pretty confident to use it,but its good at getting people to voice their angle. There were a number of other things that seemed to work well, but give me a ring 0117-963-1446 if you want to discuss this more
Derek Adams