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Creativity and Training


I have just started a role as a training designer and I'm shocked that there doesnt seem to be any dedicated site/twitter feed/forum or anything dedicated to creativity and it's importance in training.

I'm starting to wonder if my Google skills just arent up to scratch and I'm not searching correctly.

Does anyone know of any dedicated virtual spaces where this topic is discussed?

Thanks in advance,


3 Responses

  1. Discussion Group

    Hi Russell,

    There is a small group in the Discussion groups on this site – Fresh ideas, creativity and innovation.


  2. Creativity in training

    Hi Russell

    there are lots of forums and areas that do this – however most are sector specific for example within there is a creativity area.

    have a look at this search –

    What is creative to one sector os not to another.

    In addition the challenge in recent years is not creativity persay – but the ability of an organisation to recognise creativity and build the culture where creative thought is welcomed. application of creativity, rather than the act itself.


  3. Learning developers

    There’s also the learning developers discussion group on TrainingZone too! 

    Google ‘brain friendly learning’ to find sites that may also be useful…

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