I’ve been looking through the archives on creative thinking but haven’t found anything that’s appropriate.
I’m going to be asking a mixed staff group (all levels) to come up with names for two new projects – does anyone have any short exercises that might help the group to think outside the box and come up with a couple of interesating names? (Or at least more interesting than the rather dull working titles we’re using at the moment).
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated – and happy to swap for a good joke that goes down well at ice breaker time.
Hi I've been looking through the archives on creative thinking but haven't found anything that's appropriate. I'm going to be asking a mixed staff group (all levels) to come up with names for two new projects - does anyone have any short exercises that might help the group to think outside the box and come up with a couple of interesating names? (Or at least more interesting than the rather dull working titles we're using at the moment). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated - and happy to swap for a good joke that goes down well at ice breaker time. Regards Cathy
6 Responses
Creative titles
There is an old marketing trick I still use. Get people to write a 3 or 4 word title that is as basic as possible. Then take each word in turn and brainstorm alternatives. So for ‘dog bites man’ you can end up with ‘poodle mauls vicar’ or ‘rabid beast chews pensioner’ or ‘pet swallows astronaut’. You can see how the tabloids use this! I do this ‘dog bites man’ exercise on the board as a warm up then get them into small groups to work on their actual projects.
Try and get at least 10 alternative words and phrases for each word, including some zany ones to keep the humour and creative juices flowing. Then get them to come up with their four favourite combinations of words – at least one must be daft and at least one must be plausible. I get them to do this fast as giving too much time causes people to censure their ideas or ponder.
Some of the most effective titles, I believe, come at either end of the spectrum. That is to say, they are really imaginative (but still capture the essence of the message you want to portray) or they are really straightforward (does what it says on the tin).
Hope that helps
name Games
Thanks for that Graham. I’ll have a go.
Creative is the game of show this days.
I would have appreciate if you could assist me with your creative and help with me with data for my new book
which is called the lanaguage of customer service. What are best language you have for “Customer Service”
like expressions,phrases etc.
Thanks for your good service
Creative Thinking
Hi Cathy
You could look at mind showering the group for names then ask them to paint the outcomes. When they have painted ask them to swap with other groups and get them to rename the title at least twice from the painting.
Thanks for your suggestions
PS In the end the Chief Executive just picked a name! Ho hum!
Use Mind Maps
I suggest using a mind map. Under no circumstances let them use a list. Lists are limiting. Having added a few names, the brain gets stuck with what is already written and can’t go any further.
Instead, start with the main concepts at the centre of the mind map and keep adding ideas. Then recategorise and get everyone to throw more ideas in. They can be random as well. These lead to new associations which in turn can open us the thinking process.
To run it, you could be a facilitator who takes care of writing the mind map on a whiteboard (or using software and a projector) and let others to throw ideas continuously. Make sure they are not interrupted so the collective train of thought is not lost.
For more exercsies and content on creativity you can try Creativity and Innovation Training Materials.
Hope this helps.
Ehsan Honary