I am looking for a short activity (up to 15 minutes) on how the basic principles of data protection relate to general office administrators & call handlers, processing basic client instructions (change of name or address etc) in a financial institution. Any suggestions?
Claire Richardson

3 Responses
How about a quiz?
I have used a short multiple-choice quiz with NHS staff that could be modified for other employment areas. For a copy of the quiz and answers please e-mail me.
Case studies perhaps?
I use a quiz too, but based on particular situations relevant to my staff (library and IT). Fifteen minutes is a very short time, but I’m guessing it’s following on from a training session? You could give each group (pair, trio, whatever) one question and 3-5 minutes to ponder it, then answer them all plenary style, giving other groups chance to agree/disagree. Before we do the answers I give each person a sheet with all the questions on it and get them to write the correct answers in themselves rather than giving printed Q&A sheets. Mail me if I can help further.
Get them to do the work
I start off with getting the trainees to brainstorm as many different sorts of data as they can think of with regards that a customer might provide (e.g. name, date of birth, shoe size, meter reading, religion, address) and then get them to break down the different pieces of data into categories e.g. highly sensitive (e.g. debt balance), sensitive (name/address etc.), not sensitive (meter reading), not relevant to the company (e.g. religion / shoe size). This often sparks off a healthy discussion (for example what would be classified differently in a different type of company) – always a good learning experience!