So, onto week two of the EDCMOOC or #edcmooc or 'elearning and digital cultures' to its mum and dad, Edinburgh university and Coursera.
Week 1 was all about utopias and dystopias, and this week is concerned with metaphors. A potential can of worms I think you'll agree. Format this week was similar to last week (and thus I imagine next week too). Four YouTube videos to study and answer questions on, some follow-up reading in the form of pretty lengthy and complex discourse on the overarching subject of elearning (not all of which were contemporary, which made for some amusing and slightly anachronistic ruminating on the unimpeachable power of the classroom), and lastly but not leastly, discussion forums to kick start the debate.
In my opinion the format of this particular MOOC works like a charm: the forums are busy and full of fascinating insights from people all over the world (as well they should be – more than 20,000 people signed up for this run of the course), and the course content is well organised and has plenty for you to get on with. Granted, my frame of reference isn't the biggest but I'm enjoying it.
My only worry is that, with my prep for Online Educa now approaching fast, I'll run out of that most previous of commodities in 21st century business life: time.
So, onto week two of the EDCMOOC or #edcmooc or 'elearning and digital cultures' to its mum and dad, Edinburgh university and Coursera.
Week 1 was all about utopias and dystopias, and this week is concerned with metaphors. A potential can of worms I think you'll agree. Format this week was similar to last week (and thus I imagine next week too). Four YouTube videos to study and answer questions on, some follow-up reading in the form of pretty lengthy and complex discourse on the overarching subject of elearning (not all of which were contemporary, which made for some amusing and slightly anachronistic ruminating on the unimpeachable power of the classroom), and lastly but not leastly, discussion forums to kick start the debate.
In my opinion the format of this particular MOOC works like a charm: the forums are busy and full of fascinating insights from people all over the world (as well they should be - more than 20,000 people signed up for this run of the course), and the course content is well organised and has plenty for you to get on with. Granted, my frame of reference isn't the biggest but I'm enjoying it.
My only worry is that, with my prep for Online Educa now approaching fast, I'll run out of that most previous of commodities in 21st century business life: time.