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Lisa Wyatt

House of Goodness Ltd

Learning and development officer

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Designing a game similar to ‘game of life’


I'm going to be delivering a management training session that needs to cover everything that an employee may go through during their 'life' within our organisation, demonstrating how HR/payroll fits into that. The main emphasis is to get managers to understand what does or doesnt happen if HR/Payroll does or doesnt have the correct information. I would like to demonstrate this in a fun way and have thought about creating a board game (maybe transposing that into something that is played out on the floor) with cards detailing various scenarios…

Has anyone done anything like this before and could give me some pointers?

I'm going to be delivering a management training session that needs to cover everything that an employee may go through during their 'life' within our organisation, demonstrating how HR/payroll fits into that. The main emphasis is to get managers to understand what does or doesnt happen if HR/Payroll does or doesnt have the correct information. I would like to demonstrate this in a fun way and have thought about creating a board game (maybe transposing that into something that is played out on the floor) with cards detailing various scenarios...

Has anyone done anything like this before and could give me some pointers?

2 Responses

  1. Template

    Hi Lisa

    I have an exercise I use to teach "processes" that could easily be adapted and you can add your own content.

    Please e mail me offline and I'll send to you.




    META DESIGN FOR LEARNING  – PossibilitySpaceDesign
    hi Lisa
    how about this:
    principle one: Charles Handy famously said he wrote 'understanding organisations' because he didn't.
    principle two: Crowdsource it!
    principle three: use an emergent group process
    Like this: 
     – which nneds to be big enough for 2 workspaces next to each other
    – with post it notes of various colours (tip – you will regret using non-nranded post-itclones- they fall off, especially when you move the sheets about to display at the end of the event – deadly. don't scrimp, buy the 3M ones. (no I don't have shares in 3M) f
    – flipchart paper,
    –  blu tak
    – small markers pens like Sharpies for postits (ban biros/rollerballs – too small and board markers – too big)
    we will by the end of the day, have created together a big flowchart answering the FAQs of -your-topic-here
    – nobody is smarter than everybody
    – between us we know all this, some of us know bits, together we know it all.
    – we learn by doing and sharing, not by watvching powerpoint or being talked at or reading 4ring binder manuals.
    – so we are going to construct a flowchart, by finding out what we know, and devisiing flow charts for the chunks we need to cover 

    3 – RUN THE POSSIBILITYSPACE (my name for my emergent LGI process)

    Example: recruitment – what does that include – advertising, budget, hjob spec, KPIs etcetera.
    crucial – be clear about the size of a chunk – needs to be big enough so you don't have too many, needs to be driven by questions that ordinary non HR folk ask, not by what HR knows.
    ask the group to produce a list of issues, areas, topics, etcetera. refine this, then…
    they work in small groups, seeking help from people in the room (key!)
    regularly ask for help from the room
    come together to share and refine using similar processes…

    I hope you get my drift.

    This might all be double-dutch or triple-trainerspeak to you

    there are various issues I haven’t covered, like level of expertise' in the room

    ask me for more detail if this is of interest.
    Best wishes
    Arthur Battram
    This approach is drawn from my own consultancy work which is based on the learning I gleaned from (like Handy) writing my book:
    'Navigating Complexity: the essential guide to complexity theory in business and management' 
    (out of print, I have 3 copies left to sell)