Hi Guys
I have been tasked with devising a best practice piece for those who are, or could be responsible for designing any training literature. I need to come up with some design rules around the format within it. I want to give some insight around the psychology of training viewpoint – colours, fonts, formats etc. to help improve the reader’s engagement and retention. If any of you have any starters for me I would be grateful as always.
Many thanks
Hi Guys
I have been tasked with devising a best practice piece for those who are, or could be responsible for designing any training literature. I need to come up with some design rules around the format within it. I want to give some insight around the psychology of training viewpoint - colours, fonts, formats etc. to help improve the reader's engagement and retention. If any of you have any starters for me I would be grateful as always.
Many thanks
8 Responses
Designing Training Literature
Hi Sinead
The incidence of colour blindness in white males may be higher than you thought, up to 12% depending which report you read. For females it is about 0.5%. Some have difficulty distinguishing between Red and Green, others between Blue and yellow. Something to bear in mind if you intend to include colour. Having said that, a delegate with a Visual predicate may like to see bright colours.
My experience is that handouts that are properly bound are generally much better accepted by delegates than loose leaf. I have found a surprising amount of my loose leaf handouts in bins shortly after the session!
For clarity for sight impaired delegates I try to use a sans serif font, Arial is good but I prefer Trebuchet MS, in no less than 11 point. I use plenty of white space/additional line spaces to help break up the text into readable “chunks”.
The panel is out as to which looks better, justified or non justified text. My personal preference is for non justified.
Hope this helps.
A couple of ideas
Hi Sinead,
In terms of improving retention, have you looked at coming away from the traditional ‘manuals’ and looked at desktop items that are easy to find/use. Things that we have used in the past is a set of cards laminated and the with a paper fastener so they can be flicked through, or a spiral bound to sit upright on the desk top and can again be leafed through quickly. I’ve found that the normal manuals can tend to be put away in a desk and never looked at again.
Hope this helps
Templates and Rules
Hi there,
I design lots of material for lots of different companies. some like and informal look, whilst others perefer a more traditional, text-based look to materials. Regardless of client preference though, there are some rules that I always tend to follow:
1. Set up a template where possible so that your styles for headings, bullets etc are consistent. Few things look as amateurish as inconsistency. Use a font that will appear on everyones PC regardless of version or age. I’m favouring calibri at the moment, but if in doubt, I default to Arial.
2. Use blocks of colour to highlight key parts. Presenting materials in tables (without it necessarily looking like a table) is one of my favourite ways of presenting information cleanly, and draws the readers eye.
3. Use diagrams as much as possible. A flow-chart or grid will be much more appealing to the reader. It also allows people to take in key information ‘at a glance’. The SmartArt tool on the latest version of word is fabulous for this!
4. Use few colours. Some colour improves the look of the material, but I tend to stick to just 2 or 3 throughout.
5. Start new sections on new pages. It seems obvious but in a sort-of link to the comment already made about using white space, don’t cram as much as possible onto a page. People’s eyes will tend to look to the top of a page, so putting a main header 3 lines before the end of a page means that people are likely to miss it.
6. Use pictures selectively. Some clients love clipart, some are not so keen and prefer photographs. Selecting the right images to compliment the content and break up large amounts of text draws the eye and improves the look of the material.
7. Make use of headers and footers. I tend to put the topic and section in the header to act as a constant reminder of the subject matter.
8. Use bullets and numbered lists. Highlighting key words within such lists also makes it easier for the reader to scan, decide which bits are relevant and focus in on them. Long paragraphs are more likely to be ignored, and key information will be missed if it is buried in the middle.
Don’t know if this is what you are looking for, but thats my starter for 8!
Sheridan Webb
Psychology of training
Hi Seanade
Some useful stuff for you here! Would also like to mention the Psychology for Trainers book – there’s info on my blog and you can download a free chapter. It may give you some extra meat for your guidelines.
http://thecompletetrainer.blogspot.com/2009/10/trainers-need-psychology-like-fish.html – is it OK to put this here? I know it’s sort of an advert, but it does answer the question!
How to design training literature
Hi Seanade,
The best tip I can share is a technique called – visual cognitive dissonance. This is technique that shows you how to use powerpoint to make your point more powerful. If you want to learn more there is a web site and a book callled "Killer Presentations" (www.M62.net). In addition I have a free white paper called : "Why Training Doesn’t Work!" that I can send you (william.doherty@ntlworld.com).Key to effective training literature is the format – as trainers we have many challenges and expectations to meet including the need to be aesthetically appealing, consideration of learning styles, meeting the needs of learning difficulties, the need to be environmentally friendly and having to take into account the llimited time people have to learn – adopting the "Less is More" approach.Having said all the above, I still find it very rewarding and great fun designing and creating training literature using the power of imagination, creativity and original ideas.
useful websites for training literature
Hi Sinead
I have to produce plenty of training literature, including material for Effective Writing workshops.
2 websites that I always recommend for people to visit to find out more about layout and psychological readability are :