We are just about to deliver a leadership programme to one of our global clients. Due to a sudden illness, our local consultant in Australia is now unable to deliver the programme.
I quickly need to find a senior L&D trainer who is capable of picking up and delivering leadership training to senior people, up to an including the local MD and Exec Team.
The programme starts in April. I’ll provide all the material and training on the specifics of the programme, as well as our in-house style, but I cannot afford the time to train someone on basic management models.
Experience of, or at least comfort with delivering to senior leadreship teams is assumed.
This is not a ‘travel out and deliver’ opportunity. I need someone local, preferably Brisbane, but Eastern Seaboard at least, to build a relationship with the client’s local team.
If you, or someone you know would like to take up this opportunity, please contact me NOW…today.
Operatives are waiting for your call ! ! !
+44 (0)7919 478 065
stephen brand
I quickly need to find a senior L&D trainer who is capable of picking up and delivering leadership training to senior people, up to an including the local MD and Exec Team.
The programme starts in April. I'll provide all the material and training on the specifics of the programme, as well as our in-house style, but I cannot afford the time to train someone on basic management models.
Experience of, or at least comfort with delivering to senior leadreship teams is assumed.
This is not a 'travel out and deliver' opportunity. I need someone local, preferably Brisbane, but Eastern Seaboard at least, to build a relationship with the client's local team.
If you, or someone you know would like to take up this opportunity, please contact me NOW...today.
Operatives are waiting for your call ! ! !
+44 (0)7919 478 065
stephen brand
3 Responses
No edit facility
They seem to have removed the edit facility on ‘Any Answers’, so using this method to let you know my email…….!
Australian trainers
I have emailed you one contact but then remembered that the Australian Instituite of T&D has a search facility on their site too – see http://www.aitd.com.au/Default.aspx?CCID=72&FID=339&PageID=34988
Leadership trainer
Try the following contact I’ve met the guy and he’s part of the Adair leadership associates and is used to working at a senior level. If he is out of area for you I’m sure he will be able to advise.
Peter McDougall
55 Alexandra Street, North Ward,
Townsville, Queensland,4810, Australia.
Telephone 61 07 4772 6519
Facsimile 61 07 4772 6519
Mobile 61 0403 483 236
E-mail: petermc@leaderacademy.com.au