I am responsible for a Customer Service area and most of our staff have been with the company for less than 18 months. I am looking for development centres to work with with the intention of developing the staff into managers/mentors/trainer roes and to create their own personal development plans. Our existing Customer Service team managers also need to be developed within their roles and as people. Any ideas?
Donna Shoesmith
9 Responses
Development Centres
We regularly run development centres with different companies, Bank of Ireland and Technicolor being two organisations we have run development centres for this year.
If you contact me I am happy to discuss our approach and and how we work.
Development centres
Dear Donna
I have experience designing and running development centres for developing the capability of managers and would suggest you start by trying to define the competencies which you are hoping to develop. Activities can then be tailored to these competencies and you can design in ways to give staff feedback which lead into PDPs . I am happy to discus with you further. Phone 0114 2340129 or e mail mlockwoode@freenet.co.uk
Michele Lockwood-Edwards Msc MIPD
Development Centres
I have experience of designing and managing all aspects of developemt centres including training assessors and mentors. I also completed an assignment on assessment/development centres for my MA. I would be happy to share my knowledge and experience with you if you’re interested.
Email me at sue.porter@cwcom.net
Sue Porter
Consultant in Human Resource Development
Developing staff – Customer Services
Dear Donna
I am a partner in a Managment Development company which specialises in Customer Service training and NVQs. We develop bespoke packages according to our clients needs, that way you can be sure of the outcomes which are right for your organisation and the individuals. If you would like to chat to me about how we may be able to help you give me a call on 01244 682299.
Development Centres
Impact specilaises in the design and delivery of bespoke Development centres and Personal Development Programmes.
If you would like to discuss our approach in more detail please do not hesitate to contact me.
help with Development Centres
We are an HR Development partnership with extensive experience of designing and developing DCs. You mention quite a few areas you are looking at – PDPs, mentoring etc & you will need to think through an integrated approach. This is one of our areas of expertise and I’d be happy to discuss it with you if you drop me a line.
Metis is able to meet these needs
The people at Metis Training & Development have carried out numerous programmes in these areas for both public and private sector organisations. We would be happy to discuss your needs in more detail. We are also able to supply a multi media approach for support and ongoing development.call on 0161 875 0100 or see our web site at http://www.metisltd.co.uk
Development of staff
Northern Technologies is involved in developing middle managers and designing their pdp’s and is currently delivering succesful development package for our local TEC. I would be plesed to discuss your needs and offer solutions.
We have an approach that develops line managers at the same time as the participants. We call them talent centres – line managers work as observers rather than assessors. Assessment is self and peer driven and supported by coaching from observers. Call me on 07703 576670 if you would like some more information