The revised line-up at the DfEE is as follows:
Rt. Hon David Blunkett MP, Secretary of State for Education and Employment
Andrew Smith, MP Minister of State for Employment
Estelle Morris MP, Minister of State for School Standards
Baroness Blackstone, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning
Margaret Hodge MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (employment and under 5s),
Michael Wills MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (information and communications technology)
Malcolm Wicks MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (lifelong learning)
Jacqui Smith MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (school standards)
Rt. Hon David Blunkett MP, Secretary of State for Education and Employment
Andrew Smith, MP Minister of State for Employment
Estelle Morris MP, Minister of State for School Standards
Baroness Blackstone, Minister of State for Lifelong Learning
Margaret Hodge MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (employment and under 5s),
Michael Wills MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (information and communications technology)
Malcolm Wicks MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (lifelong learning)
Jacqui Smith MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (school standards)