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DfES ministers – revised responsibilities


Education and Skills Secretary Charles Clarke has announced a revised set of responsibilities for members of his team at the Department for Education and Skills.

  • Rt Hon Charles Clarke MP, Secretary of State for Education and Skills has overall responsibility for the Department, its policies and strategy, finance and public expenditure, economic issues, and major appointments. He also has responsibility for green and environmental issues in all aspects of education and skills, reducing bureaucracy, and ICT, RE and maths throughout the education and skills sectors.

  • David Miliband MP, Minister of State for School Standards has an overview of all schools strategy. Within that he has a particular focus on transforming secondary schools, school funding; transforming the school workforce and the secondary school curriculum. While Ivan Lewis leads on 14-19 curriculum working to Mr Miliband, David has specific responsibility for relations with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

  • Stephen Twigg MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools works with David Miliband on schools issues (except as specified below). He has a particular focus on raising standards in London and in Primary schools, including the Primary curriculum. London

  • Margaret Hodge MP, Minister for Children and Young People takes an overview of all childrens', young peoples' and under fives' policy.

  • Baroness Catherine Ashton, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Sure Start is a joint DfES/DWP Minister, working with Margaret Hodge on all Children's issues and is responsible for Lords issues across the Department's responsibilities.

  • Alan Johnson MP, Minister of State for lifelong learning and Higher Education takes an overview of all lifelong learning issues. Within that he takes the lead on Higher Education issues, further education issues and the Learning and Skills Council.

  • Ivan Lewis MP is Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Skills and Vocational Education, working with Alan Johnson on lifelong learning issues (except as specified below). Within that he has a specific focus on skills and vocational education. His specific areas of responsibility are: Organisation of curriculum, qualifications and raising attainment at 14-19, Adult skills and vocational education including basic skills, community education, adult information and guidance, Sector Skills Councils, relationships with employers, Union learning projects, funding of adult learning, Investors in People, learndirect and UK Online Centres, the Learning and Skills Council.

    Interestingly, Ivan Lewis is still recorded as having responsibility for the Individual Learning Accounts, despite the scheme having folded eighteen months ago.