When I heard it last, I believe, the aforesaid qualification was still in pilot programmes.
Does anyone know anything about the qualification in terms of currency, academic rigour, and recognition from both employers and higher educational establishments?
Many thanks.
When I heard it last, I believe, the aforesaid qualification was still in pilot programmes.
Does anyone know anything about the qualification in terms of currency, academic rigour, and recognition from both employers and higher educational establishments?
Many thanks.
2 Responses
The Diploma is accredited by the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning – a recognised professional body, like CIPD. I’m not bang up to speed on where the qualification is right now but full details are at http://www.traininginstitute.co.uk
I work on a number of training qualification programmes (professional, academic and vocational) and, although I don’t have first hand experience of this particular Diploma, it looks pretty sound to me. Currency looks very good, recognition and employer acceptability should in theory be fine (my own organisation lists it as suitable when recruiting trainers) though many employers still don’t know as much about ITOL as they should. Academic rigour is a hard one to judge at a distance. It seems to be at an appropriate level for a Diploma, but it is clearly a professional qualification and not an academic one. If academic standard is vital I would suggest a Masters programme at one of the Universities such as Leicester. I’m happy to discuss options with you if that might help.
Graham O’Connell
01344 634336
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We’ve been trying to contact you to answer your questions but our e-mails keep being bounced back. Please contact us again at admin@itol.co.uk
Jeffrey Brooks
Institute of Training and Occupational Learning