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Discrimination DVD Materials


Hi All

I run a two-day equality/diversity course some aspects of which are video presentations to stimulate group discussions. I feel that the materials I am using are now a bit ‘tired’, (some are around 15-20 years old!) I am looking for something more up-to-date in terms of these issues to use on the training days. Ideally, something around 20-30 minutes in length for participants to view followed by group discussions on the issues raised.

I am seeking something which (in a modern way), looks at the issues of prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination in our society and also would like to access something which looks at a historical perspective bringing this up-to-date in terms of issues relating to asylum seekers and recent terrorism issues leading to stereotyping and prejudices being excacerbated.

Any one know of good materials on the market re this??
Ann Marie McKenna

Hi All

I run a two-day equality/diversity course some aspects of which are video presentations to stimulate group discussions. I feel that the materials I am using are now a bit 'tired', (some are around 15-20 years old!) I am looking for something more up-to-date in terms of these issues to use on the training days. Ideally, something around 20-30 minutes in length for participants to view followed by group discussions on the issues raised.

I am seeking something which (in a modern way), looks at the issues of prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination in our society and also would like to access something which looks at a historical perspective bringing this up-to-date in terms of issues relating to asylum seekers and recent terrorism issues leading to stereotyping and prejudices being excacerbated.

Any one know of good materials on the market re this??
Ann Marie McKenna

5 Responses

  1. Worth considering
    I haven’t seen these video/DVD resources myself but have seen positive comments from other people.

    The free video/DVD materials I have seen and obtained have been disappointing.

  2. DVDs

    Try the Disability Rights Commission. They have some good free stuff

    We had a trainer who got our trainees to enter workshops and discuss what they would include in a DVD with target aims and audiences etc.But you need a very good trainer to facilitate.We were very lucky.He is one of the UK’s experts in the field

    Additionally,have you thought about showing the old stuff and then asking for feedback on ways to improve etc. A sort of equality/environmental recycling process!!!

    Good luck

    Best Wishes


  3. DVD Materials
    I would use some clips from the television series “The Office”. There are so many different episodes you can choose from, I’ll leave you to decide which ones to use.

  4. I’ve seen them all!
    I started a new job last year as a diversity trainer with no resources and a budget to buy DVD’s. Therefore I think I have seen just about everything on the market. A lot of it disappointing and old.

    I would avoid the stuff by Neish. The DRC have an excellent DVD called TALK on disability which is the best DVD I have seen.

    I would also recommend the DVD’s by Skillsboosters they currently have 5 on a range of issues.

    I would also mention that you may find it more productive to focus your training on behaviourial change rather than attitude changes. Which is what Skillboosters focus on. they use a mixture of talking heads and dramatised situations.

    I am happy to discuss more or answer any specific questions you may have. Just email me.

  5. Equality DVDs
    I have also used Skillboosters, which are good, and have a look at Angel Productions, they specialise in equality/diversity issues and are very helpful on the phone.