As a statutory youth and community service, we are in the process of developing a diversity policy and practice guidelines, specifically relating to the delivery of diversity issues through informal education in youth work settings.
In order to support our staff team in delivering on this agenda, I am seeking a tried, trusted and recommended Diversity Training package that is suitable to raiseawareness of staff and equip them to develop educational opportunities with young people. Our staff team is made up of professionally qualified staff working full time and locally qualified staff working part time (between 3 and 25 hours per week)
Diane Evans
In order to support our staff team in delivering on this agenda, I am seeking a tried, trusted and recommended Diversity Training package that is suitable to raiseawareness of staff and equip them to develop educational opportunities with young people. Our staff team is made up of professionally qualified staff working full time and locally qualified staff working part time (between 3 and 25 hours per week)
Diane Evans
10 Responses
I suggest you contact Elaine Sihera of Anser House of Marlow Tel 01628 481 581
Kind regards
the company I work for recently ran a large diversity program and we used a theatre group called ImpACT to deliver diversity training through playing out different scenarios. I thought it was excellent and very thought provoking.
Don’t know how much it cost though. If you want to know more contact me and I’ll try and find more details.
Web-based diversity training
Hi Diane,
A web-based training program on diversity could be a good solution. This will provide flexibility as people can access the training when it is convenient. They can also access the course from any location where they have internet access.
Easy i produce an innovative web-based diversity program called ‘Diversity at Work’. This is a highly interactive and engaging course that includes a final assessment test – all linked into a learning management system to track employee progress and performance. If you would like to see a free online demo of the program, email me directly on: and I’ll arrange this for you.
Gemma Rooke.
Diversity material
Absolutely. Go to
Diversity is just one of the subjects they specialise in. This subject is nicely supported by Innovation and creativity skills as well.
Diversity Training
I run similar courses for 18 to 24 unemployed on New Deal etc.I find that real tribunal or county court cases lend themselves to attention grabbing coupled with MOCK TRIALS of the issues involved.Additionally I use a stepping stones exercise outdoors which really gets things buzzing!
Great Training flexibility
We use and recommend TBD Global on 0870 241 3998. That company specialises in legal and management training and is very flexible.
We have bought their P2G out of the box training materials for use with our clients and they have designed programmes for both e-learning and face to face delivery for other clients of ours.
Very professional and accredited programmes are also available.
0870 240 4325
thinkingpeople diversity training
Hi Diane
thinkingpeople is a training and learning consultancy, which specialises in cross-cultural working and diversity issues. We have extensive experience of designing and delivering training packages to staff and young people on these issues in both informal and formal settings. If you think we could be of any help, or would like to talk through some ideas, our contact details are available at
Can I recommend
Can I recommend a trainer (not on trainingZone that I am aware of) called Clifton Robinson. He specialises in Diversity training and has/is working with a number of county councils, police forces, probation services etc.
You can contact him on:
Tel: 01492 515221
Mob: 07879 643160
Food for thought
Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time to respond to my question, I have had some interesting avenues to follow.
4 hour workshops
A bit late on your question – but we have designed a 4 hour workshop for a public service on E&D. The feedback we are getting is very good. It centres around 9 characters found in movies and myth. People in the workshop get to work out the E&D motivations and resitances and then get to see the actions that they need to take. Call me on 01249 655008 or email for more information –