I am currently studying for a PGDip in HRD and am attending a one week residential in Paris next month. Does anyone have any information on staff development or knowledge of any publications / websites specifically dealing with HRD in France?
Alison Astin,
Personal and Development Officer, Giant Group
Suggests to Comments below please.
Alison Astin,
Personal and Development Officer, Giant Group
Suggests to Comments below please.
One Response
Location of French HRD company for info
You may be interested to know that our company, TMS Development International, has an agent in France – Syntagme.
TMS Development International is the distributor of Margerison-McCann Team Management Systems (TMS) in the UK, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Our Profiles are used worldwide by HR professionals in areas such as personal development, team development, change management, project management, career planning, leadership and coaching. We run flexible accreditation programmes which equip human resource professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to make effective use of the TMS Profiles within the context of their own organisational development.
Syntagme, based in Paris, acts as both an Accreditation and Bureau Centre. For many years Syntagme has been involved in training and has become one of the leading practioners in France in it’s work in HR. If you would like to contact Syntagme their details are as follows:
Christel Babut
66, rue Marceau
93558 Montreuil-sous-Bois Cedex
Tel: 01-49-88-92-98
Fax: 01-49-88-92-97
email: syntagme@wanadoo.fr
We also have details of our Profiles on our website – http://www.tmsdi.com. When you access the site simply choose ‘french’ as the language option.
If we can be of any further help please let us know.
R Grayling/Sue Atkinson