I am looking to procure an online 360 degree feedback provider for a delegates on a leadership development programme and was wondering if anyone has experience of a good provider?
If possible we would like a provider to design a system for us that we can administer ourselves.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Samantha Baker
I am looking to procure an online 360 degree feedback provider for a delegates on a leadership development programme and was wondering if anyone has experience of a good provider?
If possible we would like a provider to design a system for us that we can administer ourselves.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Samantha Baker
10 Responses
360 Feedback
Hi Sam,
Enguage provide just the type of thing you are looking for.
Give them a call and speak to Hayley Oats.
Kind Regards,
Sharon Gaskin
360 provision
We do both the design & running of client 360s, and we also provide the software to organisations to run their own projects. Take a look at http://www.2020insight.net which has a wealth of information and resources.
If what you see grabs you, give me a call.
Try http://www.appraisal360.co.uk. They offer a variety of solutions – self-administration is possible.
the best – reactive360.com
We have always used http://www.reactive360.com for company 360 feedback, we can customise our questionnaires and fully administer it, which we do yearly.
360 degree provider
Hi Samantha
I can recommend Bowland Solutions for performance management systems, and specifically 360 degree. I have worked with them on a couple of occasions and they have a focus on 360 as a means to an end, retaining the real aim of developing meaningful conversations to aid development that is so often lost by other systems suppliers.
Web address is http://www.bowlandsolutions.com/
Have fun
Online 360
Hi Sam
There are loads out there BUT it really does depend on what you want to measure and the quality of the feedback report you receive Check out http://www.epol360.co.uk This is a small organisation that can tailor the report to your needs and it measures Leadership styles with particular emphasis on Emotional Inteliigence and Behaviours as opposed to other comptetencies. The report is very user friendly and runs to 40 pages. Fully automated and they offer facilitator training to companies if required to get the most from the feedback. Contact them from the website.
We would recommend Head Light Communications
Hi Sam
I would highly recommend Head Light Communications. They offer an online solution which you can administer.
I have done a lot of research into this and I think they offer the most user friendly, customisable solution, with the best reporting.
The website is http://www.head-light.co.uk
Kind regards
360 degree feedback
Hi,,,, As you know, we recently released 360 degree feedback and the intent is to give more context to the feedback by displaying both the feedback received and the feedback given, side-by-side.
Vision Metrics 360 Degree Feedback
Hi Sam,
In case you are still looking or looking for an alternative, we recommend Vision Metrics as they have what we consider the most flexible and sophisticated self-administered online 360 degree feedback software. After painfully having gone through two prior vendors, we're finally home. And please, there are many out there, don't get caught up in rediculous prices. These days with cloud services and huge data centers, you should be able to reap the benefits of these technological developments. Some vendors just don't get it. These guys get it and its completely self-administered.
Check them out.
By the way, we don't sell this software, we're just a customer.
Online 360 feedback
Hello Sam,
We would be happy to provide a comprehensive online 360 feedback to you.
1)quick feedback
2)concise and focused on action
3)real time reports
In case you wish to give us an opportunity to associate please feel free to wrire or call.
Vindhya Iyer