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Do YOU think YOU can?


At the far end of the playground is a 25ft spider-like climbing frame. Not one for heights, I don't really consider climbing it, until my 5-year-old daughter starts moving towards it. Why? Swings and slides are fun; but climbing frames present a challenge and with that challenge comes a sense of achievement at the end. We start to climb and in true parent style I revert to the role of  'Outdoor Pursuit Advisor'; "place your feet here, concentrate and listen at all times". My daughter continues to climb and before I know it she's 3/4's of the way to the top. She stops; tells herself she can't make it to the top and then  starts to descend. At the bottom she decides to get back on and climb again. It's worth pointing out that no words have been exchanged between us at this point. She looks more determined and more focused this time around, and within minutes she's stood at the top shouting across the playground to her Mum and baby brother. Clearly enjoying the moment I ask her "what was different this time around"? She replies, "Daddy, the first time I didn't believe I could make it to the top, and this time I believed I could". Pleased with herself she ran over to her Mum and relayed the same story again, and later that day she shared it with her Grandparents too.

Do YOU think YOU can... achieve the goals YOU have set in 2010?

Regardless of what other people think, it's what YOU think that really counts... Do I think I can run the London Marathon? Yes. Do other people think I can run the London Marathon? It doesn't really matter, because they're not the ones running it! In a society where we put so much emphasis on other peoples' opinion or thoughts, we really ought to stop and just ask ourselves the question: Do I think I can...?

Henry Ford said: "whether you think you can, or you can't; you're right"

Sometimes when our belief is wavering, other people can be a great support mechanism and give us the boost we need. You'll know who they are in your life, your workplace, your circle of friends. They are the ones that show genuine care and consideration towards your well-being. They are the ones who say: "just do it" or "go for it", knowing full well that YOU can do it.

When YOU think YOU can, YOU will.

Some of you may be thinking that it's not as easy as that. Well you're right, to a point. It does take commitment. Commitment to work at it and keep going when it gets tough. Last week I wrote about attitude . Alongside attitude, your commitment will drive you towards your goals. Commitment is making the time to go to the gym 3 times a week instead of 2! The results after 6 weeks will be phenomenal. Commitment is taking a job application home and completing it at the weekend. Commitment starts and ends with YOU.

So for this week, think about your goals and what spider-like climbing frames are in your way...

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One Response

  1. Very nice post…

    It’s a great post. I certainly agree with you, that many of us are bound to do different tasks which are commonly challenging. But we can do it with extra tons of perseverance. Like what Elena Kagan did. Elena Kagan, solicitor general, has been declared by President Barack Obama on Monday. Kagan Supreme Court discussions have started to pop up everywhere.

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