does anyone know of any forums or discussion groups for training/learning managers in London or the Thames Valley?
I work for a US-based finance organisation and feel a bit lonely out here on my own!
Richard Rogers
I work for a US-based finance organisation and feel a bit lonely out here on my own!
Richard Rogers
5 Responses
I understand how you feel!
I completely agree. The only things that i know of are affiliated with the CIPD. Check out their web site for more details of how to join:
Meta Matrix – Discussion Group
Contact Lin Hill on 01453 519219.
Lin is setting up a group specifically for training managers and staff and has a number of corporate clients. There is no charge to join and the events are free – even better there are no sales pitches
Training Managers’ Forums
Fenman- the training providers- also operate a substainal on-line forum that also arranges local meets from time to time.
If you posted a message on there, you’ll be contacted with people in the local area I’m sure!
Come and join us at the Brain Friendly Learning Group
Hi Richard,
I saw your plea about wanting to join a discussion group or forum in the Thames Valley and we’d love to have you at the Brain Friendly Learning Group
We meet once a quarter in the Reading area and all the meetings have been really valuable and popular. We have someone to teach us something new, a good networking lunch and then a ‘clinic’ in the afternoon where people have the opportunity to work on real issues, share information etc. And we’ve now got an online forum too so you can ask questions when you can’t make the meetings.
You can find out lots more about what we do, dates and topics etc on the website and the next meeting is Monday 8th June, so you’ve asked just at the right time.
We’d love to see you.
Stella Collins
Forum for ‘lone trainers’
As well as those listed have a look at:
or talk to the editor here about setting up a training managers discussion group.
Online forums tend to arrange local meets in the real world too