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Does appraisal improve performance?


I am at the dissertation stage of a MA in HRM. The subject is appraisal and whether or not this improves performance, specifically from the viewpoint of manufacturing.
If you have conducted any kind of evaluation exercises on your appraisal process I would be very interested in the results. Would also be grateful for your views on appraisal.
Pam Sneddon

One Response

  1. Appraisal or not?
    Depends what appraisals are FOR.
    They tend to be used to record historical performance and thus determine pay.
    Surely any good performance management process should be forward thinking and progressive? Regular “job-chats” and a culture of coaching and feedback between the boss and teammates are far more positive than once-a-year red-tape exercises that benefit only HR who get their records up to date!
    Take a look at the book “First, Break All The Rules” by MArcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman. It’s enlightening.
    Good luck!


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