I have been given to task to arrange drop in sessions to help workers with Learning a new system. is there a right or wrong way to arrange such a drop in session
I have been given to task to arrange drop in sessions to help workers with Learning a new system. is there a right or wrong way to arrange such a drop in session
5 Responses
is this too obvious?
I don’t know whether this is too obvious for words but when I’ve run drop in sessions……
Availability; they have to be at times available for all~some will want to do it during their working hours and some outside (I note that your post alternates between session and sessions….there is little point is running one that some people can’t get to)
Accessability; they have to be somewhere where people can easily get to without much effort
Attractiveness: they have to be "sold" to the potential users~ "if you build it they will come" isn’t enough….you have to make sure that a) people know it is there and b) there is a clear benefit in them using it (this clearly includes a positive approach: not "If you have a problem there is a crop in session you can come to" the perception then is that the drop in is for losers who can’t cope
Appropriateness of resources: can you cope if the entire shift drops in at once? If not how will you manage it. What are you going to do if you get one drop in in two weeks?
Drop in sessions
Hi Nick
You might want to consider some incentives to entice attendance. We used to run 1 hour modules during the lunch break and provided sandwiches and crisps to entice. Perhaps use chocolate or maybe a prize raffle for attendees.
Happy Days!
Bryan’s “incentives”
Bryan went for the sophisticated approach of a free lunch….a colleague of mine actually left a trail of pick ‘n’ mix sweet between the main work area and the drop in centre!
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Drop in Sessions
Hi Nick
We run Drop in sessions at our workplace, I have devised worksheets as refreshers and have manuals standing by for aids. Normailly I have only small numbers drop in but on some occasions there has been a queue, which then I pair staff up, as working together they disolve their own problems sometimes.
I like running drop in sessions, staff are more relaxed when they attend as its there choice to be there (sometimes!), and not forced to come along for mandatory training.
I also make sure I have refreshments on hand and of course biscuits and sometimes cake!!