We have a member of staff who suffers from dyslexia and it is affecting his ability to do his work. I am looking to get him some sort of assistance and / or training to improve his performance. The role is primarily analysing financial accounts. Does anyone have any tips on what we could do or any packages that we could purchase or any companies that provide training that would help.
Any assistance would be gratefully received.
Vivienne Holmes
Any assistance would be gratefully received.
Vivienne Holmes
6 Responses
Try this?
I am dyslexia myself and I have found these people very helpful.
The dyslexia insititue, they would help you with relevant course materials to get your member of staff working. I am pleased to hear that someone is will to help people like myself stay in a job and help improve their skills.
if you would like more information contact me on 0208 732 8277
Try your local college
I have a similar situation; an employee who attempted a supervisory management course and relied (too) heavily on others to help complete assignments. It then transpired that they suffered Dyslexia, and did not complete the programme. I have talked to our local FE college and they are organising their student learning support people to contact me to see what additional help they might be able to offer.
When I spent some time as a voluntary literacy tutor at my local FE College, I was assigned to someone with dyslexia problems. It is a very complex complaint and requires specialist support from an appropriately trained coach/tutor (of which I was not!).
Try the Probationary Service
At a recent TEC meeting, I listened to an interesting presentation regarding the training being given by the probationary service for people with dyslexia. You might like to try them for some info. Jenny
I am mentoring and tutoring a number dyslexic
I have some materials that might help you get him started – all it needs is someone patient and open minded to go through some new techniques and ideas with him.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me on khall@cellops.com if you would like some good book references and a copy of the material I’ve put together for the person I’m mentoring/coaching/tutoring.
Adult Dyslexia
One of the most informed trainers on Dyslexia is Gary Fitzgibbon. you can reach him at gary@dyslexia-now.demon.co.uk. He has alos co-authored a book: Adult Dyslexia: Assessment, Counselling and Training
David McLoughlin, Gary Fitzgibbon, Vivienne Young
Paperback – 115 pages (November 1993)
Whurr Publishers; ISBN: 1897635354.
hope this is of use
have you tried your local college/university
It might be worth contacting your local college. I have a similar problem and my college was able to help me