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rachel houghton

solihull mbc


Read more from rachel houghton

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Hi all

I help to design and deliver training to social care professionals in the use of a client record management database.  Traditionally they have received classroom instruction.  However, in future we hope to supplement this approach with e-learning modules.  Has anyone any experience of designing e-learning for this type of database, and/or for this kind of audience please?  Many thanks

One Response

  1. Camtasia

    Hi Rach

    I’m sure there are far better people than me on here who know about E learning…


    Your training sounds like an ideal job for Camtasia (There are also lots of very innexpensive and even free versions around but Camtasia is best I think)

    Here are some examples of what it can do..(click on the videos on the left side of the screen)

    If you then use as a really good example of how computer training should be you would have a pretty good course I think?

    (scroll to bottom left to see free examples)

    For a quick play on free software take a look at Jing whwre you can create a very simple screen capture video that you could show your colleagues as an example…





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rachel houghton


Read more from rachel houghton

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