i want to produce some e learning training packages that my customers can sign into and use for their staff groups, any ideas where i would start?
i want to produce some e learning training packages that my customers can sign into and use for their staff groups, any ideas where i would start?
6 Responses
at the risk of sounding unhelpful…..
Hi terrib6 (did you mean your username to read like terrible?),
Your previous post suggests that you are (like many of us at some stage) suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, so the $63 million question is why do you want to create e-learning?
~if you don't already have the software and expertise it is not that easy…..or cheap….or quick!
~it isn't easy to make it pay without having a sophisticated system
My advice would be to stick in your current market and market it like crazy!
Elearn 247
elearn 247
Hi Sorry – hit the wrong button.
I would try the company in my previous link. They have developed a really simple, even I can use it, autoring tool, that is built around an LMs. If you can use power point you can use this. However because of the templates and intuitive way in which the system is built you can get really professional results that you would normally associate with software such as Articulate.
Best of all it is great vaule.
wow….I stand corrected!
Bridgit's recommendation certainly does looks if it does everything that I said couldn't be done!
Thank you Bridgit.
thankyou both for replying, i
thankyou both for replying, i will have a look at the link now. i think i wanted to move into e learning to help me increase my sales/bookings as i am struggiling in the world of freelance. When i get bookings they are great and i recieve brilliant feedback but the bookings are few and far between 🙁
i did not mean for username to read terrible but maybe it should lol
Thanx again
elearning 247
Just spoke with elearning 247, so helpful and affordable thankyou for the link.