Today e-learning is a large industry; it has variety of solutions, approaches, strategies etc. for unique learning needs of organizations and institutions. E-learning is a proved methodology for its learning effectiveness, cheaper cost and less time of development. Globally e-leaning courseware developers are mushrooming with claims of providing the best quality in the least costs.
As a Learning Manager or any authorized person who is responsible for training and development of resources must have enough knowledge of certain basic standards of e-learning course development. This will help you to understand your learning need better and assess vendors who can provide it.
In this discussion we have enlisted few important areas of consideration and will come-up with more things in future.
Following are the basic modals, strategies or standards of e-learning courseware development:
E-Learning Course Developmental Procedure
There are modals which helps you execute an e-learning project in a systematic process. Among different models, ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) is considered as base and the most perfect modal for an e-learning course development. Dick & Carey Modal is another one used by e-learning developers.
Course Enabling Objectives
These are the complete sentences to describe what learners are expected to do or should be able to do after completion of the course. Benjamin Blooms and Rober F. Mager’s had significant contributions in preparation of instructional or enabling objectives.
Content Chunking
Cognitive educational theories are followed in content chunking. Content should be chunked for easy assimilation and retention.
Content Flow
Each and every chunk of content should have logical flow to help learner know, understand, apply and judge i.e. From Known to Unknown, General to Specific and Complex to Simple.
Content Sentences
The sentences should be succinct and in constructive or progressive structure. Every learner has learning pattern (as I mentioned in my previous discussion) as stepping pattern. So, as a good trainer or instructor, identify these learning patterns and encapsulate subject matter into sentences so that they create aha effect in learner’s brain.
Learner Interactions
Learners are best engaged if they are prompted to interact with the subject matter of the course. Interaction for the sake of interaction doesn’t help learner to experience effective learning; interaction should help learner to establish desired pattern of connections in brain. Assessments and navigation are not such interactions.
Formative Assessment
These are the best opportunities to practice learned concepts. These activities help learners to strengthen the connections established during the content presentation.
A quick and a brief recap to help leaner to practice recall and retain what has been learnt in the course.
Summative Assessment
This is for the course designer to get confirmation on achievement of enabling objectives.
Today e-learning is a large industry; it has variety of solutions, approaches, strategies etc. for unique learning needs of organizations and institutions. E-learning is a proved methodology for its learning effectiveness, cheaper cost and less time of development. Globally e-leaning courseware developers are mushrooming with claims of providing the best quality in the least costs.
As a Learning Manager or any authorized person who is responsible for training and development of resources must have enough knowledge of certain basic standards of e-learning course development. This will help you to understand your learning need better and assess vendors who can provide it.
In this discussion we have enlisted few important areas of consideration and will come-up with more things in future.
Following are the basic modals, strategies or standards of e-learning courseware development:
E-Learning Course Developmental Procedure
There are modals which helps you execute an e-learning project in a systematic process. Among different models, ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) is considered as base and the most perfect modal for an e-learning course development. Dick & Carey Modal is another one used by e-learning developers.
Course Enabling Objectives
These are the complete sentences to describe what learners are expected to do or should be able to do after completion of the course. Benjamin Blooms and Rober F. Mager’s had significant contributions in preparation of instructional or enabling objectives.
Content Chunking
Cognitive educational theories are followed in content chunking. Content should be chunked for easy assimilation and retention.
Content Flow
Each and every chunk of content should have logical flow to help learner know, understand, apply and judge i.e. From Known to Unknown, General to Specific and Complex to Simple.
Content Sentences
The sentences should be succinct and in constructive or progressive structure. Every learner has learning pattern (as I mentioned in my previous discussion) as stepping pattern. So, as a good trainer or instructor, identify these learning patterns and encapsulate subject matter into sentences so that they create aha effect in learner’s brain.
Learner Interactions
Learners are best engaged if they are prompted to interact with the subject matter of the course. Interaction for the sake of interaction doesn’t help learner to experience effective learning; interaction should help learner to establish desired pattern of connections in brain. Assessments and navigation are not such interactions.
Formative Assessment
These are the best opportunities to practice learned concepts. These activities help learners to strengthen the connections established during the content presentation.
A quick and a brief recap to help leaner to practice recall and retain what has been learnt in the course.
Summative Assessment
This is for the course designer to get confirmation on achievement of enabling objectives.