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E-Learning for Office 2010


Can anyone advise on any quality material or product for e-learning for Office 2010.  This should be aimed at both experienced Office

users (moving from XP to Office 2010) and for inexperienced users. Ideally would be to make this available to a large number

of staff but on a limited access basis.

Many thanks

Sally Penn

5 Responses

  1. Office 2010 eLearning

    Hi Sally,

    I would recommend you check out the free stuff available on the Microsoft Website:

    There are a whole range of resources available – printable content, elearning tutorials, getting started guides, interactive material etc.

    If you are looking for something more then Microsoft also have their own eLearning suite:

    Another alternative would be for an online video tutorial library, although this isn’t Office 2010 specific.

    I hope I have given you a couple of ideas.

    Kind regards


    P.S. I don’t work for Microsoft haha 🙂

  2. re: Microsoft training

    Hi Sally,


    If you’re looking more for quality, then I think I can help.

    The free Microsoft bits are ok… but many people find them somewhat uninspiring..


    I work for a training company called REDTRAY and we deliver Microsoft training in a variety of ways. We do e-learning modules, instructor led training and we currently have a special offer on our virtual classroom training.


    We are the only company in the UK authorised by Microsoft to deliver training in this way, and we currently offer unlimited Microsoft training for a year for £95 per user. That covers beginner, intermediate and advanced training on Word, Excel, Outlook and Powerpoint.


    If this is something that may interest you, feel free to give me a call on 0207 024 4849 and I can give you some more info


    Best regards,

    Louis Lillywhite

  3. Gopas e-learning courses

    Hi Sally,

    try !

    They are specialized to MS Office elearning courses and support enterprise LMSs too.

    You can select from English, German and French languages.

    Extensive content, perfect price, no plugins…


    Download a trial and check it !


    I like their courses 🙂

    Karl Jung

  4. Elearning video can happen in

    Elearning video can happen in or out of the classroom. It can be self paced, asynchronous knowledge or may be instructor-led, synchronous education. E-learning is suitable to coldness learning and elastic education.

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